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25.7 hrs last two weeks / 996.9 hrs on record (273.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 18 Sep, 2022 @ 4:16am

--- MY REVIEW ---

+ Easily affordable
+ No need for a $4000 high-end gaming PC with a RTX 3080 ti
+ HUNDREDS of hours of multiplayer gameplay
+ Many gamemodes (TDM, FFA, Soccer, Rebound, ...)
+ Lots and lots of unlockable content
+ Simple controls
+ Many engaging moments guaranteed!
+ Very nice visuals (for a otherwise pretty simple 2D game)
+ Amazing soundtrack

- After reaching level 100 there is no motivational reason (e.g. more weapons, tank parts, ...) for playing any longer
- Although the multiplayer lobbies are always active, most of them (about 95%) are only TDM, which gives very little XP
- Most players are pretty chill, but fairly often some people tend to rage quit or insult others (nowadays way less common
than 4 years ago)
- You can't reach max level in single player (if you like single player games only, you will miss out about 90% of the
game's content)
- No bigger updates since the early access version (of course, you can't expect big updates every week, but most of the
updates that already come slowly are bugfixes or further optimizations)

All in all, this game can take you many hours to fully complete. I would consider this game to be primarily a multiplayer game, so constant WIFI access is always needed. The visuals and the soundtracks are amazing and will keep you engaged for the battles. Last not not least, even I with my potato PC can play this game on high settings with stable 60 FPS :D
I can honestly recommend this game if you are looking for an easy to learn multiplayer game to play every now and then.
Hopefully I could help you with my review and if you decide to buy this game, I wish you good luck in your battles!
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