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no jumping forward save for a double jump in a jump'n'run? and this is the least of it's problems.
I'd be disappointed if it was $3, but $10? ♥♥♥♥ right off
Publicada em 6 de março de 2018. Última edição em 6 de março de 2018.
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39.0 horas registradas
Pretty great game in the style of assassin's creed, except you can (later in the game) bend enemies will to yours, which is pretty awesome!

Everything felt pretty polished, there were only minor things getting on my nerves, which says something. For example, if there is an alarm, enemies spawn from nowhere instead of further away enemies running near, so eve if you eradicated a whole base and the last one raised the alarm, you'd be swarmed.

Just such a missed opportunity for easter eggs tho. Imagine about every fiftiest or so mind control, the "ghost" (to not spoil it) would say "wololo" or "Your mind to my mind, your thoughts to my thoughts"
Publicada em 4 de março de 2018.
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1.4 horas registradas
Gets old really fast
Publicada em 28 de fevereiro de 2018.
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7.4 horas registradas
This is a nice 3rd person cover based shooter

Don't expect a revelation tho. This game is lauded online so often, it's really overhyped.

First, the gameplay mechanics. While shooting is pretty standard, it has a weird control sheme, that nonetheless other 3rd person shooters have too far too often. there's no way to (just) run, no way to jump freely.. if you hold spacebar to run, you automatically get in a cover approaching one.
while that sounds like it was great, often it's more of a hindrance than a help, because the game steers you towards the cover. Want to run down a hallway with some cover spots left and right? well the game will steer you towards them instead of letting you run straight. More than once this killed me in a combat situation as instead of running away from the dangerous spot (around the next corner, away from a grenade etc), he ran towards the cover and stopped.
Also, Sometimes it doesn't react right when you hit it because you recoil from a shot or something, so you tap the spacebar, nothing happens, you let go and hold it again. the game reacts to that in going into sprint for a second and then you leisurly jog instead of run, despite holing down space. Also the reason for at least two deaths.
Both of those are probably because it's a console port. I dunno, but I assume.

The checkpoints are rather crudely selected, and some times they're location based, so you run to a point, get shot down.. and then it loads at that point with all enemies gone. It also doesn't save dropped guns, so if you temporarily changed your weapons, rn in a checkpoint, picked your main weapon up again and then died, upon reload your weapon is gone.

Oh and at times the difficulty is really cheaply done. One enemy class, the heavies, are bullet sponges. Sure, heavy enemies should take more damage, but you can empty a clip into them, lob two frag grenades right at their feet and they're still standing. Or you shoot their face plate so much it breaks, and then you shoot half a clip right into their uncovered face and they still carry on.

Oh and by the way, the weapons of the enemies vanish. Running out of ammo with your fav weapon, but you just killed a bunch of guys holding it? the game gives you a big nice f you, because once the area is clear and you go from guy to guy, there's just one dropped weapon for every 5th enemy body. I dunno if the game just has an upper limit of guns on the ground or despawns them after a while but it's infuriating.

Then the story. The story is great, all in all. Has some nice twists and things aren't always how they seem.
But.. it forces your hand sometimes, forcing you to do stuff you don't want to do and then laying down the blame for it.
One example, which was not the only one but the one that pissed me off so much that I nearly ragequitted..
(midgame spoiler) At one point you are above a large number of enemies. There's a white phosphorus mortar station right there, and the game has you say "you have to" while one of your budies is against it. I didnt want to use it because it's f*cking white phosphorous. So instead I tried just shooting the guys. I was dead in seconds. Fair enough, it's probably not the best to go gun ho on dozens of enemies, so I tried again, off by the side. There was a rope anchor going down but no rope, that only appears magically after you did what the game forces you to do, but to that later.
So I try from cover, all is going well, I shoot a sniper.. and a second later another one runs to the same spot. I shoot it again and another one comes. Kept that up quite a while and the game kept spawning enemies - turns out it does spawn endless enemy waves if you do not use phosphorous. Thanks game.
So I use the mortar.. It shoots up a camera that slowly descends, or at least it should, but in camera view, it always stays at the same height. you select targets and your guy on the mortar shoots them. The last target was on a bridge and below were many people without guns (you only see a 'ghost image' through the mortar camera). I assumed those were prisoners, so I didn't shoot the last target. I figured I had just found an RPG and could take out the last target with it. There was no way to back out of the camera view, and when the camera "fell to the ground" I instantly died.
So I tried again and slowly inched the shots nearer to the last target to not hit the people below. except when I wasn't even near enough to hit the humvee, the whole area with the "prisoners" magically went up in f*cking flames for some reason.
So there was no way at all to not torch those..
and later the game decides to lay down heavy blame on you for it.
As far as I understand it, this was the scene people like to rave about, about how good a job this game does to convey how horrible war is. I just felt cheated/mocked by the game.

So all in all, it's a solid game, but in my opinion not the storytelling masterpiece people make it out to be. If you want a solid cover based 3rd person shooter with slightly annoying controls, take it.

Tho I'd say for a game ths old, the price tag of 30 bucks is too high. get it on sale for half that price
Publicada em 24 de fevereiro de 2018. Última edição em 24 de fevereiro de 2018.
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6.9 horas registradas
This is a solid FPS.
It's mostly a run-and-gun classic FPS, no cover based shooting, with a few extras in the form of abilities that you can chose not to use if so inclined.
It was fun, but not exceptional.
if you haven't played part one, you don't feel too much involved. You're supposed to really care about a certain jenny that you only hear about in some monologues by the player character but don't really give a ♥♥♥♥ about, which I assume was a major character in part 1.
also the game ends in a sequel hook which left a bad taste in my mouth.

another problem is a certain bug which many people seem to have and that has no real solution: random blurring, probably caused by a depth of field issue. If you wear glasses, imagine them randomly fogging up. The only remedy is to make a steam screenshot (be sure to put that on a key, I used scrolllock as that key is never used by anything), tho it only fixes it for a minute at worst

all in all.. I'm an accentuate-the-negative-guy, I can't help it, but the game was fun, felt quite retro (I know it's old, I mean like.. 2000) in the way it played, reminded me of the shooters of yesteryear. It has pretty linear levels, but I sometime prefer that
Publicada em 23 de fevereiro de 2018.
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130.1 horas registradas
The game isn't bad per se. EDIT: oh god yes it is. All in all, it's a less well done Far Cry.
The problems start with the intro. The whole hour of intro mission is neither really connected to the rest of the game, at least not as far as I came yet, and it's "Cutscene: The game". for each 5 minutes of gameplay, there are 10 minutes of cutscenes. There are nonsensical things galore, like sprinklers not starting despite the fire all around but suddenly doing so when the main char (not you, as you can't play that part) shoots them, or people, not superhuman ones, being ablaze and still pretty determined to move towards the character, again in a cutscene.

Later in the game, many problems arise because it's an awful port. For example, in the menu, switching from one category to the next has you press the 1 and 3 number keys instead of, you know, using the mouse. Switching weapons in game can also only being done the same way, using the mouse wheel is way too novel a concept. In fact, the mouse wheel has no use at all, not for zooming (with weapons), not for switching, not for scrolling in menus, only for zooming with your binoculars.
The other things are mosty small problems that amass. Enemies being able to shoot you with an AK47 at a distance where you have problems hitting them with a sniper rifle, not being able to jump without any AC-style freerunning, having to slowly walk (or horsey ride) vast distances which are often long for no reason, like in your own base, because there's no usable fast travel system (there is a way with the copter, but it requires you to first go to the 'aerial command centre' and all in all takes ages), a checkpoint system that has it's checkpoints so weirdly set that I had to repeat 3 side missions at once because saving between them never occured to the devs (why can't console ports give us free save FFS?) and so on.
One last thing that bugged me were so many cutscenes that had cool stuff to play in them that would be playable in any game but this one.

Let me give you an example: There I was trying to go to a side mission. What looked like a way to squeeze in between two mountains wasn't so I had to use a huge detour. Suddenly at one place I was stopped dead in my tracks because a sniper shot at me, which started a main mission, 11, while I was at 6 or so. This in and on itself wouldn't be that bad, I would just have liked a warning because, well, I was trying to do the side mission. Anyway, a fight later and the dilemma of letting the sniper live or kill them comes up. Ocelot and a Miller (which I don't remember, maybe he appears in a mission between 6 and 11) both take the opposite position and tell me to kill or capture them respectively. I decided.. I decided for jack sh*t because the game didn't let me decide, it was all in a cutscene. After putting them in a copter, I ride off towards the side mission I was planning to do on my trusty steed. As soon as I leave the area, a cutscene played and the horse transformed in a copter, aparently, because I was flying it with the sniper. A jet attacks. All the while I was like "grab that friggin mounted machine gun already and let me shoot it!" Quite a while later, snake doesn't seem to be too fast on the uptake, he did grab the gun. And fell over. And grabbed it again. And fell again. And the same thing yet again. As so often in the game, I was screaming at the screen 'get ON with it!". Alas, instead of a sequence where I was shooting at the jet and letting loose flares when a rocket came, which would have been sweet.. none of that happened. it was all just a cutscene.

It's like that several times through the game.

The good parts of the game are pretty much points you could make about far cry. I enjoyed far cry so that's great, but it didn't feel any different.

To wrap it up, MSG V is NOT a bad game. but it is way less than I expected from the hype.
Why do I downvote it when I didn't think it was crap, you might ask. It's because steam gives me just the absolutes of recommend or don't recommend, no neutral. I'd do neither if someone asked me. But I'd probably say something like "get far cry instead", which is pretty much equal to "not recommend"

EDIT having played some more:
The game is repetative as all hell.
You have a pool of like 5 different side objectives, basically all "kill all of them" or "rescue that guy" or "optain that ressource". Stuff like "Eliminate the heavy infantry" and "eliminate the tank command" are really the same, just one with tanks, so I don't count them as different.
You have a whopping 157 of them. And they all play in the same ~20 bases/towns, and for most of them, the bases are just restocked with the default staff and a prisoner put somewhere or a "highly skilled soldier" is among them (fun fact, nearly every time, that one was less skilled than all his buddies, aparently because it was skilled for the starting hero level you have, even if ou just unlock that side mission way further in the game. The game is riddled with such little problems, as I said).
Hell, you even have stuff like "extract a guy from OKB0" and as soon as you get back to the chopper, you get a new side mission: extract a guy from OKB0!
Ths one really got on my nerves as that base is freaking huge and as soon as you finally managed to get through it, you have to do this again.

You do the ame stuff time and time and time again, it's just artifically prolonging the game.

Also, the game punishes you for not going non-lethal. That would have been kinda OK, if all he non-lethal weapons didn't suck and people wouldn't wake up from tranquilizers way too fast. I spent much money developing a stunning assault rifle only to find out, not only is it not silenced, I can't put on any silencer from any other gun, making it pretty useless. Maybe the version of the gun at higher levels has it, but I had already go to level 5 or so just to get it non-lethal.
One time I tranqued two guys from like 15m away and before I got to them they woke up again because a tank beeped its horn for no reason (I wasn't discovered, neither were they, putting them to sleep again I could even extract them without someone noticing). There's not a single thing that will keep them knocked out. I like to clean out bases, but as soon as the base is a bit bigger, there's no chance to do that.
but if you go lethal, you get less score, less "hero points" which means worse staff and on top of it, you get a bloody skin permanently put on your char. Game, why don't you let me play the way I see fit? Why give me 90% lethal weapons and tanks and stuff if I can't even use them? Why do you make non-lethal weapons so bad?

So, after putting more time in the game, I'm a bit of a completionist or I would just not care about the side ops, I can recommend this game even less than before. play far cry, it may not have 157 side missions, but those it has are actually a bit different from each other

Some other edit:
If you plan to play the game anyway, research the CGM rocket launcher and the battle suit as highly as possible. Because if you play stealth and ignored those, the game ♥♥♥♥♥ you over royally.
There is a mission near the end, one that you get booted into without preparation because it's started by a side mission (beware of side mission 150), in which you'll be put against an army of tanks.
You cannot prepare for this mission, because you were not aware it was gonna start. You get in this mission with whatever you've had when you did side op 150. You cannot quit this mission, like any other, by going back to the chopper. You cannot research the stuff you need and do some side missions. you cannot exit this mission no matter what you do, and it's probably the hardest mission up to then. and airdropping your best RL doesn't mean a thing when it's a bad one.
this mission is crap and nearly made me ragequit after all. Went with a trainer after 1.5h (like 20 times) of trying.
Publicada em 23 de dezembro de 2017. Última edição em 6 de janeiro de 2018.
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47.4 horas registradas
A nice game, reminds me of Dishonored, but with abilities that you get less use out of. Many of the levels are pretty big, horizontally and vertically, and detailed to a lovely degree.
The story was a bit confusing and the reason for styx to do what he does could have been revealed slowly, not just in the end cinematic.

But what really ticked me off to a degree that I nearly gave it a thumbs down just out of spite: While the levels you have are big, you only have very few of them. Each mission has 3-4 levels, but only the first 3 missions have different levels, the rest of the 8 missions just recycle the same maps as the ones before it. Sometimes you go from the end to the start, the enemy placement is different.. but it's always the same. I rather had smaller levels but none of that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Now to get all medals of a mission, you have to play it at least twice, maybe even more often. So you basically have to play the very same map about 6 times.
Worst, the medals aren't even just for braging rights, you unlock abilities with the points they give. Sure, the medals themselfes don't give too many points, but you can only unlock all abilities if you get all medals on all missions.
What's the point of abilities when you only get them after having played the game already many times through?
Publicada em 2 de dezembro de 2017. Última edição em 29 de janeiro.
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0.0 horas registradas
Others said this was like Portal 2 to Portal 1 - this is not true. I expected as much but was disappointed.
It is more or less a level pack.
Content wise, the original game had 3 worlds containing 7 zones each containing 3-7 puzzles each. Additionally, you had 3 star worlds containing 3 puzzles each, and the tower with 6 puzzles, counting the big last one as one. In total you had 105 puzzles.
Road to Gehenna meanwhile has 4 zones, three contaning 4 puzzles and one with 5. Additionally, you had a new star world with 7 puzzles. In total, you had 24 puzzles.
The worlds in Gehenna offer nothing new graphics wise, the zones use the same graphics set as did the main game, and no new mechanics are introduced.

That being said, it was still fun. It managed to come up with new puzzles instead of giving you the "seen before" feeling, and they were more challenging than those in the main game, safe for maybe the star world, but still, in my opinion, not too hard. I only had to look up a solution for two of them.
The new backstory about gehenna is nice and it includes some interactive fiction mini games. Beware though that you can't replay them if you messed up or wanted to try a different path, so chose the path you plan to stay on from the start.
What I found sad is how little your adversaries in gehenna actually acted against you, that could at least have included a minigame. The ending felt a bit abrupt, like more was planned but not implemented, the character of the.. well to not spoil, the elohim of this world went pretty much uninvestigated. Some vague fingerpoints at lucifer were thrown, but they were so vague that it's not a spoiler to mention that. Spider's story was also cut short.

On top of that, you don't even get a movie in the end. The ending was awfully disappointing. It pretty much just stops.

All in all, it was an entertaining level set with some nice backstory, but not more than that. If you liked the main game, you will like road to gehenna, but don't expect, as some reviewer said, a "portal 2.0"

- short/few puzzles
- no real ending
- uninvestigated backstories
- a bit too high a price tag for what it is in my opinion

- the backstories you get
- the minigames
- the puzzles themselfes
- nice difficulty increase to the main game: harder but not too hard
Publicada em 17 de novembro de 2017. Última edição em 17 de novembro de 2017.
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0.3 horas registradas
Pretty much unplayable on linux. Took like 5 min before it even started, half a minute load times between video segments and then riddled with errors, for example, right off the bat at the start, the compass decided to stop being toggleable, to float while the hand holding it stayed in place (and was sometimes at weird angles with the compass half in it) and the compass didn't even point anywhere near the treasure. In fact, when it pointed left and I turned left, it pointed more left than before, as if it was mirrored
Publicada em 26 de outubro de 2017.
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3.7 horas registradas
all in all, that game would be nice until a bit after the third boss. The bosses pose an unneccessary difficulty spike that is more anoying than anything, but some time after the third boss, the game itself gets a massive one. for example, once you have to hover up a long path filled with traps. There's no way to gain speed after starting so once you left the "beam" even for a second, you're dead. and it expects you to jump through plenty of traps with nearly pixel-perfect timing to get through. There's no safe during all of it. And so on. Pretty much every room becomes a place where you die 20 times, while before the third boss, you died once or twice if you were unattentive but mostly never at all.
It really got so frustrating that I don't think I'll continue any more.
Publicada em 26 de outubro de 2017.
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