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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.3 hrs on record
Posted: 4 Aug, 2017 @ 12:26pm
Updated: 4 Aug, 2017 @ 12:28pm

This is a god awful console port if I've ever seen one. Steering is night impossible. Game starts in a window and even if you set it to fullscreen in the settings, it doesn't capture the mouse which is especially annoying if you have a multi monitor setup. I've found no way to actually open the menu once you're in the game (even esc does nothing, you have to exit it using alt-f4). But even if you could, it's jeopardy if any menu item actually works when using the mouse.
But you can't. Meaning there's no way to actually look up the keybinding or change it once you started.

I can only attribute the good reviews by people who were a fan of it on console and just recommended it because "LUL I LIKED IT BACK THEN". It's been a long time since I saw such a bad port.

I can't even tell you anything about the game, but the non-capturing mouse and inability to lookup/change movement keys is a no go for me. Hell the game even pisses on you, showing the keys for the damn console. They couldn't even change that. Way too many games don't, but for those, you can at least look it up!
What an awful, awful port.

This would be the first game I'd ever get a refund for on steam, but sadly I got it a while ago and only came around to play it today.
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Whole Wheat Butter 4 Aug, 2017 @ 8:06pm 
Download DSFix. Yes, it's not an official solution, yes the devs should've done it themselves, but that fan fix at least makes the game playable.