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기록상 59.7시간 (평가 당시 2.5시간)
Never really played this genre but this ♥♥♥♥ some S tier gameplay. Get it or yo moms a hoe
2022년 1월 1일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 16.2시간 (평가 당시 6.5시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
very fun game

What it needs:
AI while playing COOP
better AI (not just instakilll robots)
more content (will come over time)
2021년 12월 27일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 9.2시간 (평가 당시 4.6시간)
S tier game

buy it noob
2021년 12월 23일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 9.3시간
Very fun game.

Sure it only has a few endings but there a lot of things a lot of way that were entertaining.

Soundtrack is S tier

Get it on sale it usually is around $16

Roughly 7-11 hour for first playthrough
2021년 12월 2일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 9.5시간 (평가 당시 3.5시간)
Only a few hours in atm but I am enjoying it so far. One of the issues I had with HR (even when it was new) was the gameplay was just kinda boring. AI were dumb as hell, the combat felt a bit out of date in general, and how you felt forced to go stealthy. AI had very simple pathing and once you learned their route it was fairly simple.

I am already aware on how people feel about the story in how short and abrupt the ending is. I am sure I will still enjoy it but it does suck knowing this game was cut short for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AVENGERS. We all see how that went...

Wish we had more cyberpunk genre games. Especially in the RPG/open world sector. Yes I did really enjoy cyberpunk for what it was. It wasnt the game to end all games by a country mile but there is still a lot great. The story, especially the side missions (the actual story side missions not the minigame ones), were great.

2021년 11월 27일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 7.2시간 (평가 당시 3.6시간)
I don't really get all the complaints. Looks amazing and is a great way to experience the game again.

If you have issues like I did where cutscenes, menus, and your phone dropped to like 10-20 fps. Try turning on fast vsync with nvidia inspector. No input lag and fixed it.

Yes cutscenes are at 30 and would've been nice to have 60 but the game for me has 0 hitches.
2021년 11월 20일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 40.5시간 (평가 당시 30.6시간)

Only in battlefield moments

Really fun ♥♥♥♥ (honestly if there weren't performance and hitreg issues this game would be 10x better but there is still a lot of pure fun to be had)

Love using vehicles

Weather stuff is cool as hell

The scale of the game is cool with 128 players. It get's crazy in certain parts of the map

Specialists are a horrible replacement to the class system. Contain them to hazard zone and give us our classes. This is just horrible.
- They're all cringe. The voice lines after matches are just DUMB
- People will only play the strong ones eventually
- No one revives even with the medic girl

Hit reg is bad. (and I mean ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BAD)

Bloom is still one of the worst mechanic FPS games have adopted the past decade and I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hate it. Go ♥♥♥♥ yourself for that one.

Server stability (will most likely get fixed soon)

Optimization is an actual joke.
- Doesn't use more than 8 cores
- Very little difference between mid-range and high-end. It doesn't scale that well the better components you have.
- Like 0 difference between high and low settings
- DLSS won't have that big of difference because of the CPU latency and scaling problems. DLSS only really helps on GPU demanding titles.

Lack of Weapons (only 22. Needs to be doubled).
- Only 2 rocket launchers? Really dice? 1 AA and 1 AT

No VOIP at launch
No all chat
No scoreboard
Can't even ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ choose or create a squad.

UI is just not good. (also why does it use 70% of GPU and CPU while sitting in the main menu???) My gpu peaks at like 55% while in game.

Still issues where controller settings affect mouse settings

0 teamwork and people not PTFO. This has always been an issue with battlefields and they really need to create systems to promote more of this. I mean when you start the game it quite literally tells you YOU NEED TO CAP THE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ FLAGS IF YOU ACTUALLY EVER WANT TO WIN.

No server browser so constantly getting the same maps.

Why are all the maps so OPEN.
- 0 cover
- If you don't spawn in a vehicle at start prepare to run for 5+ min to capture a flag.
- Not many cool infantry hotspots.

Game Modes:

Base gamemode is really fun

Hazard zone is fun for my group (we really don't like BRs and the playstyle they bring) but none of us LOVE it. It def wont be the reason we launch the game but its a fun in between thing.

Portal is fun as ♥♥♥♥ and can't wait to see where it'll be once more community servers are around. I can def see community servers taking over offical as long as XP and rewards are the same.

♥♥♥♥ that just bugs me:

Why the actual ♥♥♥♥ do ANTI-PERSONNEL rockets on helis take like 6 DIRECT hits to even kill someone? Seriously its in the name what they are suppose to be good at. I can tank them ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for days when helis shoot at me. They are only for cinematic purposes at this point. I just stick to anti vehicle as they do the same ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ damage against people and have the same splash damage.

Why are the miniguns on essentially ALL vehicles so weak? Sure on the ground vehicles they are mostly fine but when you are flying it's almost impossible unless the person you are shooting at stands still and your pilot doesn't move anything. After playing bf4 heavily a week before this launch they felt WAY stronger than 2042. No one fights over support helicopters cuz no one can do ♥♥♥♥ in them. My friends and I tear ♥♥♥♥ up with apache and can be 100x more effective than 5 transport choppers put together. This is also the case for the nightbird which the miniguns just dont do anything unless the person is standing still.

What doesn't help any of the above is the hitreg currently. You watch a person take a rocket up the ass and don't even get a hitmarker sometimes.

We need a system that punishes people that literally do nothing. Every battlefield has had this issue where at least 1/3 of the team might as well never leave spawn because they lose 50x more tickets than gained having them do anything. We need systems to foster more objective play and players need to be reminded to actually

Maybe hot take? I think helis (ESPECIALLY THE TRANSPORT ONES THAT MOVE VERY SLOW) should get 2x flares and only have the cooldown start until they use the 2nd one and have both come back at the same time after a timer. Sure many people may think their flying skills are top notch but in reality literally no one runs AA equipment or even pays attention. Seriously when my friends and I are using apache we RARELY get shot down. In the odd case we get locks or damage we just fly away for a bit then come back. However, when you play a team with more than 1 stinger and AA sitting in the spawn, it can get kinda rough. Ik this is weird to balance. It's fine when a team doesn't have much AA but when a team has at least JUST A FEW people working AA it gets annoying as ♥♥♥♥. Idk I may change my mind once they buff transport helis.

Transport helis are just a joke rn. The low damage, low mobility, low health (they take like 10 seconds to shoot down if you are in a jet or heli). Most people just use them as a spawn point and rarely stay in the damn thing.

I think this will be just like any battlefield where the launch is absolute dooky but after 3-6 months it is amazing.
It's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ annoying how unpolished games are releasing. I am generally not to bent over graphical and other annoying bugs. ♥♥♥♥ like bad optimization and performance bugs me more than anything and it's embarrassing how this borderline console port released.

I feel like this game could have been delayed again until like Feb/March and would be a lot better off.

I wish a lot more devs would take the halo infinite route where there are MULTIPLE tests and they begin SEVERAL months before launch so they can gather continuous feedback and iterate over the span of months to give the devs time to deal with issues when the come up.

2021년 11월 19일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 112.3시간 (평가 당시 13.0시간)

What the ♥♥♥♥ happened? Still missing like 80% of base halo content, just constant "we hear you"s. Bonnie Ross and whoever the ♥♥♥♥ else manages halo, just resign. This is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. I still feel the game will be good but prob not for another year (maybe 2).

I just finished the game on Legendary

Campaign Review: It was a very solid campaign. It was fairly simple at its core but it was very enjoyable. The boss battles were BRUTAL on legendary but overall legendary difficulty was manageable.

They really need to let us replay missions in our save because rn IDK if I can get 100% because an audio log bugged during the 3rd to last mission and I can't go back and get it.


- Mostly optimized

- Definitely needs more work but compared to what we get nowadays this isn't bad at all. It's more than playable
- Tested on 3 different PCs and multiple friends have this issue where when Halo Infinite is open, it lags the rest of the PC. For example, typing will lag in your web browsers, watching videos can cause weird glitches. Overall has really weird effects on other programs. It’s immediately solved after closing the game.
- High GPU usage on a 3090 but FPS seems lower than it should. I feel I should get a lot more FPS and however GPU usage is almost always 95%+. Given my setup I feel even in the open world I should be getting way more frames.

- Amazing gameplay loop
- Sound effects are great
- All the weapons feel amazing to shoot
- I love collecting the HVT weapons that have nice upgrades over default variants
- Upgrade system is fun for me so far. On legendary they seem more important than probably a normal playthrough

- Visuals and Art Design
- Soundtrack
- Voice acting
- Really glad 343 went back to the old armor design

-Lack of content and it’s unacceptable.
343 has to get their ♥♥♥♥ together with launch content. I have no doubt this game will be 10/10 in 1 year from now

*Only 10 maps?
*Wheres infection, swat, team doubles, team snipers, multi-team, fiesta, king of the hill etc AT LAUNCH??? Who thought it was a good idea to make them events?
*No firefight
*No Co-op
*No Forge

- Can’t specify gamemodes. Can’t play slayer if that’s all we wanna play at the time.
-Theater mode needs way more attention. It’s not very good
-Custom games are just broken and need way more settings that can be modified.
- Ranked mode is and has always been a joke (will explain down below)
- Lack of BTB maps and variety. Same biome and they all feel the same
- Inability to turn off crossplay both PC and console
- Terrible main menu UI. Can developers please abandon this tile/horizontal layout? Like, please? They have terrible functionality and just look ugly IMO.
- Downright predatory MACROtransactions. Nothing micro about 20 dollar ♥♥♥♥♥♥ armor sets and $15 for a sword or a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ flower
-Terrible challenge only leveling system. We gave them a mountain of feedback begging for them to NOT do this.
-343 promised no FOMO but since day one this game has had elements of FOMO. Rotating store, modes, etc
- Lack of customization that’s FREE. Why are colors monetized?
- Armor core system is only there to make you spend more money on the items you already bought.
- Battle pass is at least like 50% filler and useless items.
- No stat tracking in game
-Terrible challenges

I am currently an Onyx M&K player. I grew up with a console and swapped to pc about 5 years ago and haven’t touched a controller for an FPS in a very long time.

Ok here are my issues with ranked.

K/D is everything. Sure if you lose a K/D isn’t gonna give you much but you don’t even lose ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for losing.

You just don’t lose elo. You could afk the entire match and it won’t really hurt that bad. I have a hard time believing everyone ISN’T expected to reach onyx. It feels like it’s more about playtime than skill. Sure having a higher skill or just having a lot of time to play means you get there faster but I feel almost everyone can get it.

No ingame report so if you get a cheater you have to go through a lot of hoops outside of the game to even file one.

Communication is really spotty. I always talk and comm, even if it’s just my lonely ass :(. In some games, I get a full team of comms and other games where no one says a word or pings.

Would really like a BR+Sidekick start

Team imbalance. Teams are NEVER balanced. Always one/two guys carrying on both teams and the rest are just there for the ride.

Would really like a tournament-style Bo3. Would be fun

Now onto the touchy portion. Aim assist…

I understand halo was always a controller main game. I have played this series since CE, I get it. However, if we want this games viewership and engagement in the competitive scene, then we have to create a more fair environment.

We have data, video evidence, and personal experience to show us that controller AA makes 1v1 duels downright oppressive and cheap feeling. The AVERAGE controller player has similar accuracy to a top 100 KBM. I have been following this topic on forums and it seems controller players are scared to let this game turn into a PC first game where everyone uses M&K.

I don’t wanna be toxic but no one wants to watch controller eSports as much as some people think they do. Slow gameplay, bot movement, and AI-assisted aimfights aren’t entertaining and make the skill ceiling so much lower. If we don’t want halo esports viewership to die as it has for almost a decade at this point (sure there are people that watch it but it could be so much more given just how popular this game has been over the past 20 years). We need to either give M&K more bullet magnetism or turn down the rotational AA on the controller. Controllers have insane bullet magnetism and rotational AA you almost have to do nothing but press the trigger. I hadn’t played a controller in years but was doing great even in onyx matches. Pretty much every professional halo player shares the opinion that controllers are just too strong in halo.

Overall: This game has SERIOUS potential to be one of the best games of our generation. They go the gameplay right. It’s just almost everything else is subpar or downright inexcusably terrible. What bothers me the most as an early flight tester, is I feel we were ignored on a lot of our feedback. No one wanted the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ vehicle drop system in BTB, we told them about the challenge system, and we called them out a year ago when we found out they wanted to sell us the color blue. If you are a halo simp like me then just buy the campaign or get gamepass.

I highly suggest you boycott the stupid pricing they have in the store. It’s downright predatory. If we had the same modes as halo reach at launch, I would nonstop be playing Halo Infinite, but we don’t. So when I am bored of the 4 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game modes we have, I just get off.

To the people that are ok with the lack of content we have, should be ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ashamed. There’s a bare minimum we should expect for this franchies and they missed it by a mile. Stop simping for multi-billion dollar corporations that don't give a flying ♥♥♥♥ about you.

Despite all this, the game is just simply fun at its core. Its fun to play and experience.

If you're a halo fan you might as well buy the campaign. It's a solid 8-9/10 depending on who you ask.
2021년 11월 16일에 게시되었습니다. 2022년 4월 14일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 94.9시간 (평가 당시 54.7시간)
2021년 6월 1일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 36.4시간 (평가 당시 7.5시간)
Game was very fun my first play through. If you enjoyed RE7 then you probably already bought this one. If you haven't played RE7 then either play it or watch a full gameplay on YT to understand the game better.

First half was easily the best part for me. I wish the castle and big booby lady were much more apart of the story. The second half was way too actiony and way less horror. After Angie and Lady Dim, there was 0 horror. The game was still great to PLAY but I just wish there was more horror.

Also that level where you are ambushed early in the game by endless waves of Lycan, they really didn't do a good job even hinting what the player should do. I had many friends new and veteran complain about it and I feel no different.

I really love the merchant and how you upgrade your guns and feel stronger towards the later parts of the game. This game takes multiple playthroughs so you can experience all aspects.

Expect your first playthrough on Normal to take around 7-11 hours. This is normal RE

Would have to rate a SOLID 8/10. It ran well and MINIMAL bugs encountered and many great aspects such as the music and visuals. Worth a buy!

Get it for the autumn or winter sale. Must buy at those prices
2021년 5월 7일에 게시되었습니다. 2021년 12월 1일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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41-50/79개 항목을 표시 중