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Senaste recensioner av Judassem

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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
18.2 timmar totalt
A fun hack-'n-slash game that is reminiscent of DMC series, yet different and original enough to not feel like you're playing more of the same thing. Recommended.

+ Great port. No framerate or input issues. I played mostly with an XBox 360 controller but the keyboard also felt very comfortable.
+ The fighting mechanics are superb. You can just play on Easy and blast through enemies, or you can push the difficulty up, where combat relies very heavily on reflexes, dodging and executing combos.

+ / - The voice-acting and soundtrack are neither impressive nor bad. They're just OK.

- The story is unnecessarily convoluted and difficult to follow. The ending feels a little rushed and doesn't answer all the questions clearly.
- Some missions (and you might say the game itself) take too long. It starts to feel a little boring towards the end.

Upplagd 7 juli 2019.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
5.9 timmar totalt
It seems this game was designed to be played with 4 people. I played it with my cousin and we couldn't tolerate the difficulty anymore at the Lava World level. The game is unfairly difficult, with enemies using cheap tactics like constantly rolling behind you (with you unable to see them because there are so many things going on on the screen) and sometimes being bullet (sword?) sponges.
Leveling up doesn't really make you stronger and you need to grind to beat some levels.
The combat becomes quite tedious after the first 4-5 levels and the magic system leaves a lot to be desired; it's too simple.
The sound effects and the soundtrack is just meh.
All in all, I can't recommend this game. I bought this game thinking it would be a great couch co-op game, but it turned out a mediocre one. There are much better co-op games on Steam, so I advise skipping this.
Upplagd 16 juni 2019.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
7.3 timmar totalt
A nice little game to kill the time. Just keep your expectations low and you'll have your money's worth of fun. Be warned that I played solo, so I can't comment on the co-op aspect.

+ Corny writing that is so cheesy.
+ Combat is good enough for a game of this scope.
+ Light RPG elements that let you customize your characters a little.
+ The graphics are good enough for a 2013 game with a small budget.

- Corny writing that is so cheesy.
- Cringe-inducing, terrible voice acting.
- A very basic story that isn't fleshed out enough.
- Checkpoint system
- Terrible camera angles at some points, which, combined with the checkpoint system, lead to restarting entire sections because you couldn't see the platform you were supposed to jump on.
- "Normal" difficulty is too easy.

Still, I can recommend this game if you get it with a 75%+ discount and have a few hours to spare (I finished it in exactly 5 hours).
Upplagd 23 mars 2019.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
15.1 timmar totalt
Apotheon is an excellent combat-focused platformer that takes place in Greek mythology. The story follows Nikandreos, who rebels against Zeus after he decrees the complete destruction of the human race. Throughout the story, we face tons of named characters and gods in Greek mythology. Every god has its own boss battle or grand puzzle but what absolutely fascinated me in Apotheon is that every confrontation against gods has its own theme, based on that god's power. When you fight Apollo, you fight in total darkness because he blocks the Sun. When you fight Artemis, you take turns becoming the Hunter or the Prey. When you confront Athena, you need to find your way out of a huge, moving, puzzle filled labyrinth. Every boss battle/puzzle was immensely fun to beat.

The combat is sometimes clumsy (even comical at times) but it's quite successful overall. There are many types of weapons (which break with use), there are utility items which help you in battle, and there are potions with varying effects. You can also upgrade your armor, buy ingredients and train your weapons skills; so we can say Apotheon is also a light RPG.

The visual style and the art direction of the game is just incredible. You feel like you are watching a live-action movie on a Grecian urn. The soundtrack is also very successful and adds to the atmosphere greatly.

For completionists, there are many achievements to unlock, side quests to complete and extra areas to explore.

All in all, I can easily say Apotheon has been one of the best platformers I've ever played. I definitely recommend it.
Upplagd 20 mars 2019.
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6.2 timmar totalt
I'll probably get a lot of flak for this, but I didn't quite like this game. It starts very well, with some really fun and original races and modes but it becomes very grindy about 5-6 hours into the game. You keep doing the same things over and over to unlock new cars. After you start getting really fast cars, all races and modes boil down to "whoever doesn't have a crash wins."

I'm definitely not saying that this is a bad game. If you're a real fan of racing games and just looking to quench that racing thirst, this is the game for you. Personally, I found it quite boring after a while with all the endless grind.
Upplagd 10 mars 2019. Senast ändrad 22 september 2019.
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3.9 timmar totalt (3.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Ah, stairs. My old nemesis.

A fun little game that you can play with your friends and finish in about 3-4 hours. I played it with my wife in two sessions and it was quite fun. Recommended when it's on sale.
Upplagd 5 februari 2019.
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8 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
8.4 timmar totalt
TL;DR: A good SWAT-like game which still holds up in 2019. Don't expect SWAT's level of realism and you'll be fine.

+The graphics are not bad for a 2006 game. Indeed, if I played this game back in 2006 I'd probably be amazed.
+The soundtrack is nice.
+You fight in various different locales; first in Mexico, then in Vegas, and lastly at the Nevada Dam.
+The story is a classic Tom Clancy one, with tons of political intrigue and satisfactory realism.

-Your tactical options are limited. What bugged me most was that certain grenade types are limited to only Assault mode or Stealth mode. I want my teammates to assault a room and initiate it with a flashbang. But no, if you want flashbang, you need to be in Stealth mode. It is really arbitrary and annoying.
-Weapons have insane amounts of recoil. You are a Spec-Ops and you can't fire three consecutive bullets without your aim reaching the ceiling.
-I didn't even touch over half of the weapons because they were useless.
-The protagonist's voice in some dialogues come out at like 200 decibels.
Upplagd 1 februari 2019. Senast ändrad 23 maj 2022.
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41.1 timmar totalt (37.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Watch_Dogs 2 is a mixed bag for me. I get why people like it so much. Technically, it's a really good game and clearly more improved than its predecessor. However, I liked the first game much, much more. There are a few reasons for this:

-> I think the first game had a much more coherent and a lot darker story (I love dark stories). I might get hate for this but I loved Aiden Pearce a lot more than Marcus. For me, Aiden was a PTSD-ridden anti-hero who would do anything for the family that is left to him. Everyone calls him bland and I agree with it to an extent. But compared to Marcus, Aiden is an epic hero. Marcus is nobody. He's a hipster and ostensibly a humanist but he has no problems using terrorism to achieve his goals and killing tons of innocent people in the process. He (and DedSec) preaches unity, solidarity and peace, yet they are not above causing mass havoc. They protect the weak by brutally punishing the expendable minions of "big corporate." And they don't even have a proper story and pacing while doing it. What I'm saying is, it lacks soul. In the first game, when our ex-partner kidnaps our sister, Aiden goes "rip and tear" mode. Here, one of the most important members of DedSec SF dies, and they start cracking jokes in a cutscene 10 minutes later.

-> Apart from the bad story, the protagonist and his group is so cringeworthy that I clenched my butt from third-person embarassment in some cutscenes. It feels like a bunch of 50 year old, technologically illiterate people gathered in a meeting room, googled "what's the current trend among teenagers" and then packed in every single cliche and meme they could find in the game. Watch_Dogs 2 tries so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hard to be cool that it hurts to witness it.

-> The city, although much larger than Chicago, felt rather hollow. Chicago felt alive, like the city keeps on going even when you're not playing. San Francisco feels almost dead compared to it.

-> The mini-quests and collectibles in the first game were better than here. I loved the mini-quests' storyline (dunno why people criticized them so much) and most of the collectibles unlocked cool bits of lore. Here, each individual quest is much longer but they don't have an overarching story like the first game. You just finish the quest and that's it. It doesn't unlock any following quests or lore tidbits.

-> I don't know about the technical details (maybe the number is the same) but I think the first game had a lot wider weapon variety. In Watch_Dogs 2, I finished the game using only 2-3 weapons.

-> I think one of the most iconic ability in the first game, cutting down the power to an entire section of the city, is so underwhelming here. It unlocks quite down in the skill tree, and it's massively underwhelming. It was so cool in the first game.

-> The voice-acting was a whole lot better and consistent in its quality in the first game. In Watch_Dogs 2, only Marcus and Wrench has consistently top-notch voice-acting throughout the game.

Now, I need to be honest. Doesn't this game has any positives? Of course it does:

+ The soundtrack is mind-blowing. In some missions, the songs fit the mood so perfectly that you feel as if the mission was based on the music, not vice-versa.

+ The graphics are very impressive. The facial graphics still look insane even in 2019. The post-processing effects are also spectacular.

+ Most importantly, the game is fun. I was almost never bored, and even though I was never truly invested in the game's story, the gameplay entertained me well enough.

In conclusion, I recommend this game, but I need to say that it was a huge disappointment for me coming from Watch_Dogs. It's definitely a good game, just not a good Watch_Dogs game (at least this wasn't what I expected).
Upplagd 29 januari 2019. Senast ändrad 15 mars 2019.
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5 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
9.0 timmar totalt
I've been wanting to play this game for a long time, and I was curious to see whether this game lived up to its hype. Everyone was praising it, saying this game is just as good as TWD: Season One, if not better. I was quite skeptic, as TWD: S1 is one of the best games I've ever played.

Is the game as good as people say? Oh boy. Oooh boy, it's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ brilliant game. This is the game that made me really heartbroken about the closing down of Telltale Games, even more than The Walking Dead franchise. I can live with no more TWD, Tales from Borderlands, or Batman, but I feel really sad that we won't see any more The Wolf Among Us games.

The follows the story of Bigby Wolf (aka The Big Bad Wolf), who is a Fable and the appointed sheriff of Fabletown. Fabletown is an area in (presumably) New York where Fables live after escaping the Homeland. Fables are characters from famous fables in European/American literature. The story starts with the murder of a fable, and turns out to be actually more than just a simple homicide. You follow through the investigation, uncovering prostitution rings, racketeering, extortion, corruption and many other criminal activites of the Fable underground.

The story has a nice pacing and I was never bored in any stage of it. Every episode is evenly panned out, both in length and quality. There are some usual Telltale cliches, like people accusing your character of saying something you didn't, or you deciding specifically not to say anything but your character says it anyway (because the plot requires it). However, they don't detract from the overall quality of the story.

The art direction for this game is insanely good. This is maybe one of the most artistic games I've ever played. The style and the consistency of it is just perfect. The game has a very dark mood and atmosphere, and you see no cracks in that setting. It also has a brilliant intro that gave me goosebumps every single time. The music is also very atmospheric and fits the mood perfectly.

The best thing though, is the voice-acting. As you can see on the left, I have 1600+ games on Steam (and half as much on other platforms), and I can sincerely say that The Wolf Among Us has probably the best voice-acting I've ever heard in any game. The quality of some characters' voice acting was just out of this world. (Georgie in particular). It was a pure joy to listen to every single character in this game.

All in all, I wholeheartedly recommend this game to everyone, even if you're not interested in adventure/story games like this. The story and the atmosphere it takes place in will pull you in and not let go until the end.
Upplagd 21 januari 2019. Senast ändrad 22 september 2019.
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9.2 timmar totalt (7.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I played this game with my wife and we completed it in about 7 hours. I think it's worth it when it's on a big sale.

+ The graphics are good enough for a platformer.
+ The voice-acting is quite good.
+ Combat is fun and the effects are nice.
+ It's not difficult so that was a pro for my wife (she doesn't play video games often).
+ There are unlockables, like weapons, rings, amulets, etc.

- It is way too easy. The combat, platforming and the puzzles were incredibly easy. As I said above, this was actually a pro for my wife, but objectively, the game would take only a couple of hours to finish if you are good at platformer games.
- Accessory unlockables (like rings and amulets) are unlocked through a RNG-based chest system. Why they did this in a non-MMO game where you don't buy any gems, crowns, etc. is a mystery.

In short, buy this game only if it's on sale and you have some friends to play it with.
Upplagd 17 december 2018.
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