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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 7.5 hrs on record
Posted: 21 Sep, 2016 @ 4:43am
Updated: 6 Aug, 2017 @ 8:42am

I can't believe I paid money for this flash game. There are so many things wrong with this game:

- The creatures are downright carbon-copies with just recoloring. There is one normal zombie, one fat zombie, one muscular zombie, one dog and one crow in the entire game. All the enemy types are just different color versions of these, like green zombie is weak whereas red zombie is strong and blue zombie is fast, etc. So there are only 5 types of enemies in the entire game.

- The difficulty is almost extreme. From the moment you meet your first big muscular zombie, everything goes to sh*t. Even with a full team they take a lot of time to kill. Just when you upgrade all your team's weapons and start to take them down easily, the game introduces new giants with smileys for heads (seriously, they have a smiley for a head). The dogs are also nigh impossible to shoot before they inflict damage. They are way too fast to react before they reach you.

- The game has only 5 areas with; one starting area with your safehouse, two zones to the left and two zones to the right. After each night, you just pick a direction, walk towards that, and collect scrap you find on the way and turn back to your safehouse before it's dark again. It gets extremely repetitive and bland after just a few days. You get to to see all the zones in just a few days, so for 25 days or so, you visit the same areas for scrap again and again.

- The walking speed is extremely slow. There is an upgrade to increase it, but because of the difficulty, there are lots of other things that should be your priority before you get to increasing your speed. You can walk faster by jumping forward, which seriously induces muscle cramps in your fingers after a while.

- There are no more than 10 animations in the entire game. There isn't even a reload animation. It's a flash game for crying out loud, what do you expect?

- The voice over is very poor. The characters keep making the same terrible jokes again and again.

- The game keeps only one save file and it automatically overwrites it with each night. You lost two members in a night? Better Alf + F4 immediately before the game makes the auto-save. You just forgot that, said "I'll just reload my last save game?" F*ck you, you are stuck with the last night's failure. Good luck getting over the next night with just one team member.

- The game is unable to keep the settings. You have to manually set the game to fullscreen every time you open it.

- There are sometimes massive slowdowns even on my octo-core, GTX 660 system. We are talking about 1 FPS for a few seconds. In a Flash game. Slowdowns, 1 FPS, on a Flash game. Just think about it.

Is there nothing good in this game? Yes, there is: the cutscenes. Every few days, you get a short cutscene where you see the team members (even if they are dead at that moment) sharing a moment. They are really funny. Unfortunately, this is the only positive thing in the entire game.

Overall, don't bother with this game even if you got it in a bundle. Hell, don't bother with it even if you got it for free. Just stay away.
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