3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 15.1 hrs on record
Posted: 20 Mar, 2019 @ 1:09pm

Apotheon is an excellent combat-focused platformer that takes place in Greek mythology. The story follows Nikandreos, who rebels against Zeus after he decrees the complete destruction of the human race. Throughout the story, we face tons of named characters and gods in Greek mythology. Every god has its own boss battle or grand puzzle but what absolutely fascinated me in Apotheon is that every confrontation against gods has its own theme, based on that god's power. When you fight Apollo, you fight in total darkness because he blocks the Sun. When you fight Artemis, you take turns becoming the Hunter or the Prey. When you confront Athena, you need to find your way out of a huge, moving, puzzle filled labyrinth. Every boss battle/puzzle was immensely fun to beat.

The combat is sometimes clumsy (even comical at times) but it's quite successful overall. There are many types of weapons (which break with use), there are utility items which help you in battle, and there are potions with varying effects. You can also upgrade your armor, buy ingredients and train your weapons skills; so we can say Apotheon is also a light RPG.

The visual style and the art direction of the game is just incredible. You feel like you are watching a live-action movie on a Grecian urn. The soundtrack is also very successful and adds to the atmosphere greatly.

For completionists, there are many achievements to unlock, side quests to complete and extra areas to explore.

All in all, I can easily say Apotheon has been one of the best platformers I've ever played. I definitely recommend it.
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