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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 16.3 hrs on record
Posted: 28 Aug, 2019 @ 1:04am
Updated: 30 Dec, 2019 @ 11:37am

I can't believe Croteam followed two superb games with a sub-par game like this. They were the ones who (re)invented this type of shooter game, with endless hordes of enemies to kill, but I don't know how they managed to create a game much worse than their first experience. I definitely don't recommend this game. You're much better off playing the prequels or Painkiller.

+ The jokes are quite funny. I even literally lol'd in a few places.
+ The sound effects are OK.
+ If you like goofy voice-acting, you're in luck as this game has tons of it.
+ If mindless slaughter without even the hint of a captivating story is good enough for you, this will be a good game to satisfy your blood lust, as there is a metric ton of levels and it will take you at least 15 hours to finish the game.

+/- The soundtrack is meh. It does the job but never impresses (except for the song in the final level).
+/- The level design is not really well done. Gone are the wide open spaces where you would fight against hundreds of enemies. It's mostly corridor shooting now. Still, it's not terrible. Just not what it used to be in a Serious Sam game.

- The gameplay is incredibly boring. There is not a wide variety of weapons (technically there is, but most of them are just straight copies from the first two games) and enemy variety is abysmal (even if their appearance change, their attacks are the same). You fight the same types of enemies over and over and over. And don't get me started on the number of enemies to kill. In the first two games, most of the enemies spawned right in the beginning of an area, with reinforcements. Here, you just fight small waves of enemies over and over. This is what makes the game so long; it becomes really boring killing groups of 10-20 enemies in 20 waves.
- Although story has never been Serious Sam's forte, here it's comically weak. At least the cutscenes are funny and have some good jokes.
- The graphics are, astonishingly, even worse than the first two games.
- The game really overstays its welcome, whether with its low variety of enemies, weapons, or the artificial difficulty.
- As stated in the previous point, the game becomes artificially difficult starting from Normal level and higher. You get way too few ammo drops and some enemies' attacks are near impossible to avoid because of splash damage.
- Game a few known, but unfixed, bugs; the worst of which is that your profile gets deleted if you save your game in specific chapters, costing you all your progress and forcing you to start over.
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