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Ergebnisse 11–15 von 15
2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
713.1 Std. insgesamt (393.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I have been playing Starbound since it was in beta, and while it has improved in some ways, it has regressed in others.

Story: The koala and some giraffe beta versions had a dark story that could be somewhat pieced together via codex entries, item descriptions, NPC dialog, and dungeon design. While some bits of it remain, most of it was cut away, and the tone of the game was changed. Gone is the dark lore, replaced with the current story. Most of the main plot is now given in a quest that takes an hour or two to play through. It may take longer for a newer player to complete. The story feels quite shallow in comparison to the previous lore from my perspective.

Combat: Weapon variety has been reduced since the betas, but is still quite varied. Randomly generated monsters had their random abilities removed, and now only do contact damage. However, there are many more unique monsters than in the beta versions. The current boss fights are good, but can only be done in preset places. That was not the case in most beta versions.

Exploration: More new biomes and dungeons have been added than were removed since beta. Loot variety was reduced, mostly in the form of weapon types and random consumables. Surprisingly, the exploration has more variety than any other 2d sandbox game I have played.

Building: Same story as exploration, more has been added than removed. Overall, I prefer Starbound to similar games like Terraria if I want to build something due to the number of decorative items to choose from.

Sound design: If you turn off the music I will delete you kneecaps. Grab the soundtrack if you can, its really good.

Modding: While it doesn't have nearly as many mods as Skyrim, it is still has a ton of mods. Basic things can added using json files, and lua scripts can be written for additional functionality. A good amount of lua related stuff is lacking documentation, but a chunk of it is provided in the game files.

Bugs: Well, I found enough to make this mod:

Overall I would say Starbound is worth getting, especially for those who enjoy building, exploration, or modding.
Verfasst am 29. Juni 2019. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 13. April 2023.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
4.8 Std. insgesamt (2.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I got this in a humble bundle, and I was pleasantly surprised. It has a nice soundtrack and a phenomenal flight mechanic. The gameplay only lasts about three to four hours and the story is not very deep.

EDIT: The soundtrack comes with flac versions of the music.
Verfasst am 6. Oktober 2018. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 26. Februar 2019.
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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
5,828.1 Std. insgesamt
Warframe was one of my favorite games back in 2014, and stayed that way for literal years. What I liked about Warframe when I played it the most is kind of gone now. I can't say if I would have ended up dropping it from burnout anyways or not, because it is not really the same game anymore.

The good:
• Visuals are good, even on lower end hardware. My dated office laptop can boot the game and get an acceptable framerate without looking like ♥♥♥♥.
• There are some entertaining quests, equating to a few hours of story content. Most of the main story ones are decent to good, although the story does get convoluted as it goes.

• Monetization is not as aggressive as with some other free to play games, but it has been getting worse over time. Since I started playing almost a decade ago it has changed a very noticeable amount.
• The serious and mysterious atmosphere that first drew me into the game has long since been replaced by one that does not take itself seriouly and continually adds and resolves mysteries that lack the cohesion needed to draw me between them. Part of this is a consequence of content island design. Attempts to add "cute and funny" stories and content along with some subversion of expectations and directional shifts have also contributed. Only traces of what drew me in remain, with more removal and dilution with each major update. The "Starchart 1.0" music almost perfectly encapsulates the atmosphere that drew me in, and in a twist of irony even it has been replaced with something new.

The bad:
• Power creep is a near constant factor, although there is not much in the way of endgame content for it to matter. This does have downsides when old weapon mods are nerfed because a new weapon or mod made a combination too powerful. Some of my most entertaining off-meta weapon builds have been rendered useless from this.
• Crowd control abilities used to serve a purpose, but many enemies now partially or fully ignore them. Even if not for that the meta has shifted so far that there is no good reason to do anything other than kill an enemy as fast as possible.
• Some content is being made or rebalanced like it was for for a MOBA, which Warframe is very much not.
• The player trade market has been trashed with the addition of tradable ARPG style rolled stat items. The trade chat is flooded with almost constant trade offers just for those things. Everything else has seen substantial value drops.
• In the last two or three years real world politics have been pushed into the game. I play games for fun, I don't want to see controversial political messaging.
• Tile sets that had entertaining defensive options have been overhauled and things that made those tactics work were removed. New tile sets have been designed to prevent similar
tactics from the start.
• Lots of content is promised and shown off but is then cut, simplified, over hyped, or not delivered.

At this point I would recommend Payday 2, Space Hulk: Death Wing, Shadow Warrior 2, or Killing Floor 2 for a good co-op shooter experience.
Verfasst am 25. März 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 6. Juli 2022.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
438.1 Std. insgesamt (269.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)

+DX 11 (Bypasses windows 8/8.1 DX9 4GB vram bug).
+Shadows look much better than the original.
+Load times are fast (Five seconds or less when unmodded and on mechanical drive).
+64 bit (More than ~4 GB of ram can be used).
+"Free" for anyone who owned normal Skyrim and all dlc before Oct. 28 2016.
+Only costs $40, original was reduced to ~$45(DLC included) from over $100 at full price.
+The modding community has had five years of experience.
+Some original Skyrim mods work out of the box.
+Ultra is a preset.
+It defaulted to the ultra preset for me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
+Godray FX were added.
+Much more stable than normal Skyrim, and can handle more mods *IF* you know what you are doing.


-Microtransactions are advertised on the main menu. (There is a mod for that)
-Microtransactions content is badly integrated into the game with few exceptions.
-Bethesda net is the built in mod download/management tool, and it can corrupt saves by forcing mod updates and removing mods that the save depends on. Use the Nexus if you don't want long term problems.
-Achevements are disabled if using mods that have ESP, ESM, or ESL files (There is a mod to fix that)
-Running the game above 60 fps breaks things (There is a mod for that too)
-Bloom can get extreme.
-Dawnguard.esm still reverts fixes from update.esm.
-No official support for non-windows operating systems.
-Won't work on some older hardware that ran normal Skyrim.
-Mods containing form version 43 records need to be loaded and saved in the SE Creation kit. (Form version 43 records can cause crashes and save corruption)

////// TL:DR \\\\\\
Microtransactions, Grandma's computer might not run it, use the nexus to get mods, and don't use mods with form version 43 records.

My specs:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700X
GPU: GTX 1060 6GB
RAM: 16 GB DDR4 2400
Game storage: WD Caviar blue 1TB HDD
Monitor: 1080p 144 HZ

With ~100GB of mods and settings above the default ultra I get 70-80 FPS outdoors and 144(capped) Indoors. I do not use ENB or reshade.
Verfasst am 29. Oktober 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 3. Juni 2022.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
683.1 Std. insgesamt (499.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Overkill broke a promise that Payday 2 would never have microtransactions. They then, after upsetting a huge part of the community, add stat buffs to skins and give one safe to owners of the completely overkill pack as the "secret prize".

New safes are free to open, older ones require drills to open. Completely overkill pack owners were given quite a few "better looking" variants of masks to help make up for the safe. Team boosts can be gained from end of mission rewards and can be applied to most weapons(it will also override any skin boosts, skin boosts are often more powerful). 314 skins all have a chance to have boosts of some type or another

I have played this game quite a bit, and I can say its worth getting during a sale.

There are some great mods out there that help improve the HUD, make the game more (or less) challenging (Don't use stuff like this in public lobbies, poeple generally don't like it), and even AI improvements.

Promises were broken and microtransactions were added.
Sale prices are good and there are mods.
Verfasst am 21. April 2015. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 26. Februar 2019.
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Ergebnisse 11–15 von 15