Biggus Dickus   Ontario, Canada
Currently Online
ItsInhaleYo 24 May, 2021 @ 5:42pm 
I gotchu, these guys make me actually want to look at my steam again so this entertainment is the closest to gaming ive gotten in months. I honestly want to feed their speculations at this point because it is just funny to me knowing im not part of tacobot but this guy wont agree
Atem 24 May, 2021 @ 1:50pm 
That being said, Black Goku, do what you like. Don't let these peeps bug you. Beliefs are just beliefs without proof.
Atem 24 May, 2021 @ 1:20pm 
I feel like anti-tacos are so religious about their beliefs, that anyone who disagrees with them is Tacobot in their eyes. Even if they don't play MvM. Even if they don't play TF2. Even if they were to provide tons and tons of evidence proving they didn't own or play TF2 or do anything of the sort.

I'm not Tacobot, and I never want to be. I'd never follow their methods or behaviors. Hell, I want to be away from them so badly I asked to get my commendation off of their list. Yeah, you read that right. I was listed for a good thing and I asked to be taken off.

That all being said, believe what you want. At least I'm not scummy enough to witch-hunt users and spam their comments because I """think""" they're in a group.

Me? I'm just browsing Steam out of curiosity.
Driving In My Mustang 24 May, 2021 @ 11:08am 
"why would i block all yall when you can cause me and my friends enjoyment over your stupidity"

that's an odd way of saying "no im not going to block tacobots because i am in fact one and i wouldnt dare to block my boyfriends" :whatisthat:
ItsInhaleYo 24 May, 2021 @ 9:58am 
Is this an official invite to
Snuuut 24 May, 2021 @ 7:22am 
Hi Thalassius :)
i would like to know why exactly Corvalteo needs to put any effort into "brainwashing" people when the tacobot circus already does that by providing enough material to appear on youtube and all across the internet as the laughing stock of TF2 therefore making it pointless for anyone having to "brainwash" people, don't you think sweetie? ;P

"stupidity" is actually quite a good word to use for those continuing and always repeating mistakes of the tacobot circus and then crying afterwards and desperately trying to argue about obvious facts :D it's the same stupidity and inability to think logically that made already 3 tacobot clowns come here to aid a fellow tacobot clown cuz you brainlets can never resist to aid a fellow tacobot clown, even when you expose him and give away his membership of the tacobot circus :)