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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 58.4 hrs on record (32.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 30 Jan @ 8:00am

Every time I think I am done with this game, it manages to re-addict me. I got this game in early access from Epic (cardinal sin) and sunk 300 hours in it while it was getting developed. I would say that I find what I call the base game - the confessions - rather basic and unsatisfactory. It may be my huge play time, but the variation from confession to confession is not that engaging.
I say that, but then I put in the work to 100% unlock everything. Then I get back to beating the game with different stygian flames. The core game gives the opportunity to sink weeks. However, I'd say the base game isn't a full Darkest Dungeon experience.

That was until Kingdoms dropped - you have sleeping, you have planning, you have managing and entire squadron against an invading force across varied biomes - we got Darkest Dungeon for real. I'd say beat all 5 confessions and engage with the story - for you it might be new and fun, but treat that as the tutorial. There is an entire campaign mode waiting for you after you're done with it.
(also if you're a sucker like me, the game lets you transfer your epic games save file over)
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