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Posted: 8 Sep, 2015 @ 3:36am
Updated: 9 Jun, 2023 @ 9:28am

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GALILEO 15 Sep, 2015 @ 12:27pm 
@Rodimus Prime

It's fine. Anyways, I did not do any of that, but the game is well optimized for a game with amazing graphics. I have a terrible internet and care not to really mess with anything, however. But yeah.
AngryRedhead 15 Sep, 2015 @ 8:18am 

Sorry about advert. and yeah, my warframe does act a lil slow on my P4 computer, but still runs!! when i have room for memory lol. (windows swap file) but i find, keeping the game cache "optimized" works well for me. also doing the verify once in a while it will delete older unnessecary files. Again, sorry about the advert of my clan! :steamhappy:
AnaI Prolapse Suffocation 13 Sep, 2015 @ 6:06pm 
gg bro its duh best yeah play more and never stop playing
GALILEO 13 Sep, 2015 @ 4:53pm 
Lol xD
Carbohydrate Caretaker 13 Sep, 2015 @ 12:07pm 
oops missunderstanding hahah
Carbohydrate Caretaker 13 Sep, 2015 @ 12:06pm 
Please show me where i advertised my clan?
GALILEO 13 Sep, 2015 @ 11:39am 
@Rodimus Prime

Yeah. But there are easier ways to obtain MOST things that could be bought and easily obtains with Platinum.
And yes, I have a pretty damn crappy computer myself. Very laggy. However, I must say, Warframe is one of those games that actually act okay on crappy computers and crappy internet alike. Good game.
Also, not to be rude at all, but please don't advertize your clans on any of my posts. I don't exactly appreciate any types of advertizements UNLESS posting a discussion SPECIFICALLY for advertizement. Sorry.
Carbohydrate Caretaker 13 Sep, 2015 @ 10:02am 
I agree that at the beginning its difficult to grasp everything and make decent progress at low level for anyone thats just started playing i reccomend getting yourself into clan they will 100% help supply you with all the easily obtainable mods and give you the knowlage to be able to obtain the items efficiently, Once you start getting to the 'high level' missions platinum can be obtained easily by selling/trading the prime parts mods etc soem items in game sell for 4000plat, Like i said to the other guy in here if you need any tips tricks or mods and stuff hit me up ill be happy to help :)
AngryRedhead 13 Sep, 2015 @ 9:40am 
my only thing is, while a an awesome game, u need [platinum] to buy crafting materials. at the beginging. as u get ur Tenno to higher levels, u can complete missions an [alerts] to gain the materials or [blueprints] for them. i know ive logged only 60+hrs, but i have a crappy pc, a desktop, and i can still play. although slow an sluggish. even still i have a blast being a ninja! the parkour movement is just truely awesome! an my Clan [Dark Knightz] is lookin for members..
GALILEO 13 Sep, 2015 @ 9:31am 
I prefer using the XBOX however as far as feeling restricted and limited, yes, I do agree. The PCs offer many more things as far as even just buttons [keys]. Other things are also easy to do on here.
However, I have a terrible computer and internet so things never run so smoothly, haha! But I grew up being an XBOX person and the PC is just far too expensive for me. But for games with multiple tricks and controls, I do prefer the keyboard, haha!
Thank you much, by the way! :) I will be sure to ask if needing any help! ^w^