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Posted: 5 Jan, 2016 @ 5:57pm

This game is pretty good and as it's only a few quid it's worth the buy. It needs a bit of work, for example during pre-production of a big game the bars don't fill when a single person is away from the table. With 10 People at the table it's almost certain someone will be away due to drinking or eating, even with their bad traits removed, this means the pre production of a game can take half a year or more which can cause issues when using all of your employees for one game.

It isn't as good as some other game tycoon type games i've played but if more is added and the small issues are sorted it could be. I sugesst adding some things like events you can hold or go to (similar to RL gamescom and E3 ect) and the possibility to expand your company into the console market in the late game.
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