3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 130.4 hrs on record (58.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 25 Dec, 2024 @ 11:09pm
Updated: 26 Dec, 2024 @ 1:30pm

Early Access Review
TLDR; a difficult rogue-like worth supporting despite its slow updates, solid 8/10.

There's two must know things about Stoneshard that being unaware of seems to cause the most negative reception.
1. The developers are a small team that are active within their community but put out updates for the game at a relatively slow pace. Development started in earnest 2018, early access launched in 2020, and we're not yet close to the finish line. Progress is there, potential is absolutely there, but it's still something to be aware of.
2. The rogue-like is so true to form here that it's borderline to full-blown masocore ("a focus on intense difficulty, often featuring complex or unfair mechanics" definitely describes it well). Difficulty is the goal, challenge is the constant, death is the expected, and it won't be everyone's cup of tea.

Having said that: it's still a fantastic game.
Please, ser...my soul for a chunk of bread

++ all the rogue-like bases are covered
++ stands on its own two feet as a unique take to the genre in a package that you'll be hard pressed to find elsewhere
++ the promise of a challenge is definitely delivered here, all without relying solely on RNG
++ almost every aspect of preparation matters (not just personal knowledge), and can be the difference between survival and another "You Are Dead" screen
++ lots of build variety that directly impacts how you play
++ fast travel system is a caravan that comes with portable shops + save & its own upgrade system
++ not getting any good loot? Pfffffch, we can make it! >:D
+ exploring the map, taking your time, and progressing slowly is both heavily rewarded and encouraged
+ very stylised, clean & well-done pixel art
+ simple UI that is easy to use and understand

+/- RNGesus has blessed us with its "balanced" presence, now get your chess goggles on and pray. I wouldn't hesitate to bring your Goats to this one; we ain't playin main characters with plot armor to protect them here.
+/- NPCs don't magically know when you've stolen goods, or what you've stole (guards, on the other hand, will still know about stolen goods from across the map & be able to identify exactly what was stolen from a glance @@)
+/- currently lacks any narrative depth (though developers have very clearly stated that it's among the last of their priorities)

- - a fast forward button is sorely missed when making long (and slow) treks on foot
- - the lack of a respec system is brutal; wherever the stat and/or skill points go, that's where they stay. This can completely cripple a build and force you to have to completely restart the character over from scratch when you get around level 12 and realise your build hits like a wet paper towel and/or gets yeeted into the sun from a casual breeze.
- no save/autosave system outside of manually doing so at a bed means each and every death comes with some form of back-tracking (caravan update mitigated this a decent amount, and bedrolls do exist, but the pain remains)
- has a very steep learning curve
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