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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika El Buhdai

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Wyświetlanie 41-50 z 66 pozycji
Według 6 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
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0.1 godz. łącznie
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Uh... I don't actually own this game, so I don't know why I'm allowed to write a review for it, but... I don't recommend it just like everyone else, because the dev seems like a piece of garbage. Hurray, mob mentality!
Opublikowana: 18 listopada 2016.
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2.2 godz. łącznie (2.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I remember playing this on one of my flash games websites a lot when I was a younger boy. I'm 17 now and I thought it would be fair to support the developers for all the fun they gave me back then, and to take a trip down memory lane and have a little more fun. :)

Basically, this is a VERY well-made game where you play as a little dino trying to escape the doomsday event caused by the meteor that is theorized to have wiped out the dinosaurs. The pixel art is very well made and believeable, the sounds and music are great, and some cool and crazy things happen in the environment as your little Dino runs. I'd say if you like the look of it, pick it up.
Opublikowana: 12 listopada 2016. Ostatnio edytowane: 12 listopada 2016.
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Według 10 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
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69.9 godz. łącznie (28.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
DISCLAIMER: I, and every other consumer who purchased "Carmageddon: Reincarnation" have recieved this product for free. Carmageddon: Reincarnation was a failure. It was buggy, very poorly optimized, and rough all around, and it had gotten to the point where the Carma: Re brand was tarnished. So, after several somewhat effective, yet still failed attempts at bringing the game to its fullest potential, Stainless Games made a great business decision and took a year away to copy and paste Carmageddon: Reincarnation into a new project, optimize it beyond all belief, polish it, add new creative content content, fix bugs, and turn it into the game we expected to recieve when we purchased Carmageddon: Reincarnation. Stainless games certainly redeemed themselves, and I thank you guys for this great game!


There's a common criticism that this game is not a 2016 game or "it belongs in 1999". I think that criticism is somewhat unfair, though partially true. I don't think Stainless Games should have heavily modernized this game. I think they did a great job at bringing back an old game with fresh graphics, mechanics, and content. Is the formula a bit dated by today's standards? Kind of, but I love it just the way it is, and it's a great, full experience that was crafted to revive old memories with a fresh coat of paint and some new toys to play with. Also, there's no corporate bull crap going on. No annoying microtransactions, no "Supply Drops", no insulting DLC practices, and when Carma: Re failed, Stainless Games did not abandon it or make half-a$$ed attempts at dodging negative PR. No, they worked all day and night and brought us what we asked for in Reincarnation, and took some of the loss by giving us owners of the failed game a new product. Now THIS is what a great development team looks like. Take notes, "Early Access Randomly-Generated Open World Survival Sandbox #9540271620100698953210192" scrubs.. If you loved the old Carma games, or you love entertainment with little story, offensive humor, and epic action, pick this up, and you just might be one of those people that this game caters to. ;)
Opublikowana: 7 listopada 2016.
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9.0 godz. łącznie (7.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
It's a super fun game. Seriously. It's interesting setting things into the universe and watching how they behave with one-another.

Another cool thing is, when I was a tutor, I was able to use this game to help a 4th grader understand our solar system! He understood it so well that he made a project based on what he learned and with my help, he earned a 97% on his model. It's fun and has potential to be educational if you don't want some corny video or "interactive" webpage for your child to use.

However, for the rest of us who play games, it's certainly a blast, and has some beautiful, awe-inducing moments like colloding the moon with the earth if you set the time to realtime. I'd say get it if you need another thoughtful, dynamic sandbox for your collection, and the good news is, the game is supposedly only an Alpha but it is super stable, and the developers show no sign of ditching with our money. Don't buy it for 24.99 though. I believe I got it for $10, which is a more fair price for an Alpha.
Opublikowana: 4 października 2016.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.5 godz. łącznie

Everything I'm going to say here has already been said in other reviews, but here's just a recap of it in one.

- The game is so SLOOOOWWWWWWWWWW. Do you hear me? Slooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww. And I have patience for slow games...but this one is slow and has little to nothing to keep me entertained as I slowly stalk the environments, which are mostly made up of static 3D shapes and some particles. Imagine walking the length of a football field if you were trying to sneak past your parents while they were sleeping to do stuff you know you shouldn't be doing, and at the same time it takes 10 seconds for you to completely turn your head around, AND you're walking through neck-high water. Get the picture? This makes the game painstakingly and exasperatingly boring. I say exasperating because I wanted to like this game so bad! (I also get the feeling that the game is slow simply for the purpose of adding time to it)

- The game is cheesy (and the scenarios are poorly designed in some ways), and rather than telling a compelling story (which it has all the potential to do with its premise), it makes cliche'd, run-of-the mill, predictable plot points like.. "Oh! The old guy has eye problems, can't remember things, and moves slowly!", and "Oh! the little boy dreams of being a super hero!" and "Oh, we all know adults have financial woes, let's not forget to make the man wish for money!". Those are the entire stories of the first scenario from all 3 points of view. Nothing deep, nothing thought-provoking (unless you count the admittedly cool quotes about life on the loading screens), and the endings don't pay off properly. Just. No.

- Grammar mistakes throughout the whole of what I played. They were worst with the little boy ("Oh! kids don't always use correct grammar!" Please, tell that to the 1st grade version of me when he was teaching himself how to write cursive."), but when the grammar is correct, the lines are odd and awkward.

- The developers have not heard of collisions. I fell through the map (the skyscraper in the boy's dream) in 2 out of the 3 points of view I played. Really breaks immersion to be standing in The Man's 9 to 5 collecting money raining from the sky only to be knocked through the bottom of the map and have to do the slow stroll to the office again.

After noticing all of this in only a half-hour of play, I honestly can't even be bothered to finish the free portions of the game. I wanted to tell you a sweet little story about an immersive game entitled "The Way of Life" which eased my boredom after a string of bad games on Left 4 Dead 2, but all I got was what you saw above. No way I'm recommending this one unless you think I'm a liar.
Opublikowana: 21 czerwca 2016. Ostatnio edytowane: 21 czerwca 2016.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.7 godz. łącznie (0.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I'm about to tell you something truly amazing. People have purchased this game, and it is now tied to their accounts. It is listed as a game that they own, and in some cases, a game that they have spent time playing. What is wrong with us?

Find out for only 99 cents.
Opublikowana: 11 czerwca 2016.
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213.6 godz. łącznie (211.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
EDIT: I can no longer recommend this game. The developer releases updates regularly that constantly suck the fun out of it. It used to be special, now it's nothing to even glance at. You're not missing anything by avoiding this game anymore. Just go play something else.

It's gotten to the point where I'm actually very good at this game. Here are some of my achievements:

- Topping a lobby using only Brass Knuckles, Throwing Knives, Boots, and Handgun Throw
- Topping many lobbies with Dual Deringers (pre-nerf), Brass Knuckles, and Handgun Throw
- Throwing said Deringers across a map and getting a few kills with them (you can throw handguns about 3 times farther than Halo grenades... seriously)
- Going on an 18 Kill-streak with the Sharps Rifle
- Beating up 5 people with Fists and Boots when I threw my gun out of reach on accident
- Getting a headshot through another person from across the map and killing both of them in one shot (with the smith rifle). I SWEAR I aimed this one... Lemme tell you what happened. I pulled up to one of the guys' heads and fired just as another guy walked past him going the opposite direction. Perhaps the second guy was only half-way on purpose, but it's still cool ok so leave me alone. ;c
- Sadly, the most I've achieved from one Dynamite is only a quad, but whatever
- Kicking COUNTLESS people off cliffs and laughing, and knocking people off cliffs using dynamite blasts and... laughing
- Ragequitting whole lobbies in Gun Game (sometimes because I joined really late and then beat everyone, and then kept winning and going on back to back kill streaks)
- Joining games late and still topping the lobby.

This game has HOURS of fun in it and it's seriously worth a shot. The only downside I can think of is the developers. He wrote this long sappy post in the game's news about how developing it wasn't fun anymore and he was discontinuing development, and then he went and messed up the balance of the game (and took out a lot of the fun), making questionable and awkward changes to the layout of some of the maps, and even the nerfing the loadout system itself. This is not to hate on him, but seriously, you tamed a very wild game with these updates. The game was PERFECT after the remastering of the Creek map. There needs to be a version of that game still out there because it was way more wild, fun, and crazy. I have no problem with updates and changes, but you said you would not be developing the game anymore, so it gave me a false sense of security, and that's not cool. Maybe somewhere you said you were continuing again but I recall you saying you might be adding community maps to the official rotation and making "a few tweaks" and that was about it. Sorry, I'm rambling on... JUST DOWNLOAD THE GAME AND JOIN US!

EDIT: I had a run-in with who I think is the lead developer (I forget if he is the only/main dev or not, but if he is, that's...troubling), and he is seriously very rude. I criticized his updates and he whined about me bullying him when I clearly said I wasn't attacking him. You might notice that he also ends up ignoring everyone else who shares opinions with me. He strikes me as immature as he can't seem to take criticizm from anyone, really. He takes it as an attack and, frankly, I think that's childish. You can find the thread here, and I come in on page 4: http://steamoss.com/app/265630/discussions/1/357284767248316370/?ctp=4

And to the developer, please don't come whining about how I'm "tarnishing your reputation" or committing slander. I don't dislike you or think you're a bad person, I just think that if you're going to continue releasing work publicly, you need to learn to interact with your fans or customers (if the next thing you release is paid) without being snide, arrogant, rude, and nonchalant about any opinion that differs from your own. Also, I hear that you like to change or delete posts, but it's okay because I have screenshots. I think you need someone in charge of PR, and that's not me trying to be a smart-alec, that's legit advice. I still gave the game a positive review because the game is great, but I don't support you personally. Despite that, I still wish you luck in your future projects and I hope you get better at talking to people who make suggestions about your work. Peace. :)
Opublikowana: 9 maja 2016. Ostatnio edytowane: 14 grudnia 2017.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
171.0 godz. łącznie (58.2 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I made the mistake of believing all the people complaining about the community in this game. They say it's just full of 12 year old squeaking idiots. While what I've seen supports this theory for the most part, it's safe to say that these folks are exaggerating. I'm here to tell you why you might enjoy this game despite its community. First, you might wanna grab some friends and stay away from those public servers, man! Let's get started!

Many reviewers assume that since a game is popular, EVERYONE knows what it is. I won't do that to you. :)

Basically, if you are not aware (I know I wasn't because none of the reviews I read for this game for the year I was deciding on it were helpful), Garry's Mod is a standalone game that originated as a modification way back in the day for some source game. I forget which one it was. In this game's PRIMARY gamemode, known as "Sandbox", the player (alone, or with friends) must choose a map, either one of the default sandbox maps, compatible maps from other source games they own, or maps they downloaded by playing servers with custom ones or from the workshop. Then, they can choose single player or add slots if they want other players to join (while you must port-forward, you can easily edit your settings in the same area where you choose single or multiplayer... that's helpful). Once in-game, the player, or players, can spawn in assets from many of the most popular Source Engine games that they own (provided that they are currently installed) and mess around with them. In most cases, they retain the properties that they had in their game, and remain interactive, too.

Want to fight a bunch of head crabs from Half-Life? You got it.
Wanna make a frame-by-frame puppet movie using ragdolled characters from TF2? Have at it.
Wanna go on a Counter-Strike: Source map and just shoot your friends? Let loose, bruh.
or... here's a personal example...
Wanna install a gamemode that makes Gmod like Call of Duty, install a customizable hitmarker mod, install a customizable weapons mod, install a BO2 Weapons pack for it, install a nuketown map, and try to 360 noscope your friends at the end of the match with an mlg playermodel made of doritos, mountain dew, deal with it glasses, and AWP Snipers as arms and legs from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive? Try it, it's fun...

What's better is that after you've spawned these in, you have Garry's Mod-exclusive tools at your disposal to FURTHER enhance your experience. Attach these 4 circular clocks to a bathtub with the "axis" tool, add a seat and you've got yourself a little cart. There are a bunch of tools you have access to with GMod's tool gun. A few include:

- Rope
- Welding
- Paint (adds stickers)
- Material (you can change the texture of the object or give it some weird warpy thing)
- Physical Properties Editor (yes, you can change what the object is coded to do without writing a line of code)
- Thrusters
- Pre-made wheels (easier to construct for your vehicles than spawning in a wheel and fixing it to an axis)
- Duplicator (Copy and paste your creations or save them as a "Dupe" to spawn at any time and any amount you desire, or to share on the Workshop with the click of a button. Or, if you suck at making things, spawn other people's crap with the in-game Dupe browser, complete with different sections so you can find what you might be looking for.)

Of course, all of these tools are highly versatile and customizable to meet the needs of whatever you're trying to build or do. The game also includes post-processing effects for making movies such as:

- Motion Blur
- 2-screen 3D
- Others that I forget

Using the tools that Garry's Mod has provided and a little bit of Lua scripting, the more intelligent Garry's Mod players can create their own game-modes. This is how we have things like:

- PropHunt
- Trouble in Terrorist Town
- Murder
and the most popular one...
- DarkRP

Not only are there plenty of servers for the most popular gamemodes, but, since the game runs on Source Engine and Source is very versatile, you can actually DOWNLOAD some of the gamemodes that you've played on and once you've done that, making your own server running that gamemode is as easy as changing the "Game Mode" option from "Sandbox" to whichever gamemode you just installed. Downloads for gamemodes are quick, too.

The vast majority of servers also feature custom content such as textures, player models and ragdolls, props, weapons, and other things that, after you've connected to that server, you can use those downloaded assets in your own Sandbox too! Although, for some reason, my server assets disappeared early on and I had a bunch of great ones. If someone can help me figure out why I'd greatly appreciate it!

Now that you've got a basic understanding of the game, let's get to the reason why many of the negative reviews exist:
The community.

The community for Garry's Mod is annoying at worst (I've had to mute an entire server list on "Murder" a couple of times because this little idiot was spamming a bunch of viral internet songs that stopped being funny ages ago and on Murder everyone is given different names so you can't know who's who, and most everyone else was just making a bunch of dumb noises for a really long time), and alright at best (you might meet someone who is not a meme spammer, yelling into their mic, telling everyone not to curse because they are a little kid, spamming racial slurs, or cursing everyone out through their mic all the time), but those who act like it's unavoidable are just plain wrong. They complain about the community on servers when, as I've shown, you can avoid them entirely. If your DarkRP server's players and admins are trash, STOP PLAYING THAT SERVER. If you can't find a good DarkRP server at all, PLAY ONE OF THE MANY OTHER GAMEMODES OR HOST YOUR OWN. The game is not entirely based on these gamemodes either. It is basically a sandbox game and ALL of those gamemodes are built within it. Why not build your own gamemode or mess around in your own Sandbox if you have a problem with the community? It's mind-numbingly easy to host your own server and when you do you can whitelist it or secure it with a passcode so only your friends can join, or you can just kick people who cause trouble. So yes, while this game is sometimes THE equivalent of "Short Bus Simulator 2006 - infinity", you can avoid all of that and have fun in your own way. There are probably trillions of fun things you can do in this game, if not more. Wasting your energy on a bunch of dumb prepubescent children with computer-melted brains is not one of them, so why complain about it?

The Verdict/TL;DR:

Garry's Mod is an EXTREMELY unique and versatile sandbox game that utilizes the source games you already own, as well as a few exclusive features to create a game with endless possibilities and a practically infinite life span. While the community is about as healthy as eating the crap coming out of my anus while I write this, it can be easily avoided by hosting your own server, playing with friends, finding the right public server, or going solo. Ignore the idiots. I give this game a full 10/10 because if there are any problems or missing features in your opinion, you very rarely won't find someone who made an "addon" for it. There is literally one problem I can think of...without CS:S installed, you'll get destroyed by missing textures, so that sucks. That's extra money to spend. Luckily I got my copy of Gmod for 2 bucks and all valve games in a bundle for $20 during the Christmas Sale. I had it easy. Anyway, thank You for reading, and peace out! :)
Opublikowana: 25 stycznia 2016. Ostatnio edytowane: 26 stycznia 2016.
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22.1 godz. łącznie (7.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja CS:GO
Avoid this game.

- It's fun sometimes, but the community is the most garbage I've ever seen (full of CoD-hating and Silver-hating elitists who think their run-n-gun twitch shooter is better than everyone else's, and a bunch of drug junkies and underaged racists) and the game is not even "tactical" as some may say. It just has really nice proportional damage based on where you shoot on the body and great recoil mechanics.
- The game is a giant money-maker for Valve, but they crap all over it with their terrible updates. Every time an update comes out, Valve messes up something HUGE that most likely worked perfectly before, and there's community backlash for awhile until Valve inevitably reverses their terrible design choice.
- The maps are designed terribly, with all of them being 2-lane maps for A and B plants. The lack of inspiration in these maps makes it hard to play very many different tactics in any given game. At the start of every game you simply decide: Will I walk left, or will I walk right. LITERALLY that's how the maps are designed. Watch a Stream and you'll see what I mean (I do admit that it's really fun to watch pros play the game even though the game itself is a yawn fest) Even as bad as these maps are, the community rarely plays anything other than Dust, Dust II and some others I've played so rarely that I can't remember the name of.
- Every match feels pretty much the same.
- It's terribly overrated and, overall, a very dated experience.

However, there's a gem in this game that you don't even have to purchase the game to enjoy. Make money off of the people who, for whatever reason, buy skins for their in-game guns or knives (which rarely do you see anyone get a kill with knives in this game but the skins are the most expensive on the market for this game). The people at the top know how to make money off of the ignorance of those at the bottom, and the best CS:GO flippers know how to do that. This game has an economy so strong that you can literally buy all your Steam games by flipping skins IF you know how to do it right. That way, you can save your real money for the important things in life.

While I regret buying this game because I don't like it, and believe me, I tried so hard to like it, it (or its economy, rather) is giving me great practice for when I'm finally of legal age to flip real stocks.

This is my final review for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Opublikowana: 22 stycznia 2016. Ostatnio edytowane: 22 stycznia 2016.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
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11.0 godz. łącznie (9.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Codename CURE is another one of those games that are really bad, and really fun at the same time.

Zombie Animations? Terrible
Gunplay? Garbage and the iron sights are stupid.
Balancing? What Balancing? The Pointman is the only class with guns that do any real damage.
Sound Design and Effects? Cheap, and the soundtrack sounds like a pattern made on FL Studio Mobile with factory instruments and samples.

The community is filled with Gmod players becuase it's a source game and Gmod players are tolerant of rough-around-the-edges games.

The game lacks flavor, and even with all the pre-baked lighting, this game is still half-baked.

Despite how bad this game is, it's still VERY fun, and you have nothing to lose by trying it, so there's not a real reason why you shouldn't try it. I can't RECOMMEND that you try it though. As you can see from other reviews, however, it's got a very short life span so that fun will die out quickly.
Opublikowana: 29 grudnia 2015. Ostatnio edytowane: 29 grudnia 2015.
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