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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.0 hrs on record
Posted: 26 Oct, 2017 @ 10:43am
Product received for free

Awesome, thank you CA this is the best free content I have ever recieved for any game I have ever purchased.

Now Some Help for people with issues:

If your game keeps asking you to claim content click download on steam then RESTART STEAM, it will download.

Norsca isn't missing, it will be added later has been known for a while also in patch notes.

Negative reviews response:

This is free content for people who own both games to reward returning customers, there is nothing wrong with that, no one is forcing you to buy WH1, do you honestly expect to have all the WH1 races available to play for free ?

WH2 stands on it's own feet without any FLC, there is even a concurent steam sale if you want to buy WH1 at a discounted price, honetly I can't understand how you could posibly complain. CA should be commended for going above and beyond, this content does not need to exists, both games are solid in their own right, they could have called it quits but instead gave WH1+WH2 owners some amazing extra value which will continue into WH3. CA I salute you.
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