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Showing 1-3 of 3 entries
Fossilized Theme V3
Collection by chiiri_h
A collection of items for a custom fossil theme set. Many decor items, alternates of buildings and facilities, props, and more! Theme is still a work in progress, and a rework of my previous Fossilized V2 theme. Keep in mind that due to the game being in e
Natural Items
Collection by chiiri_h
A collection of various natural themed items for decorating your parks and enclosures. This collection is no longer being updated or maintained- Items may be broken or nonfunctional due to updates to the game itself- Use them at your own risk.
Fossilized Theme V2
Collection by chiiri_h
Collection of various buildings, exhibits, decorative items, scenery, and signs for Chiiri_h TTV's Fossilized Theme. This collection is a complete revamp of the previous Fossilized Theme, many pieces of which are now non-functional due to the update to roc
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