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11.4 hrs last two weeks / 106.3 hrs on record (67.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 12 Feb @ 9:14am

Strictly for RDO only (not RDR2)

Cant say id totally recommend it but its more of a yes than a no.

As a game itself, its nice and fun. Many things to do in the open world. There are frequent events to compete (violently or peacefully) with other online players.

The biggest downside to RDO are the modders. They can go rot in hell for all I care. They will abuse their mods, kill everyone, waste your efforts in collecting hunts or bounties, and outright disconnect you from the server. Circumventing this is easy but it is an inconvenience. If I die in PVP or griefers, I would hate it, but that at least is part of the game. If I get hit on by mod losers, they can go d!e and rot 6 feet under.
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