Alia Shelesh   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
I make artworks
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I make artworks based on profile backgrounds with animated text(2 keys)and even with animated characers(the price depends on the complexity of the artwork).You can find some examples in my artwork section.If you want an artwork just message me on Facebook,Steam and Twitter(links below) and we'll about the details there.
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(Unfortunately the Facebook link dosen't work but if u search "Cosmin Dima" on Facebook you'll find an account with the same photo as the one that's on Twitter<sry about that>)
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deschizatorul 23 Jun, 2018 @ 2:57pm 
Hei, am vazut profilul tau si eu cred ca arati foarte draguta in poza ta de profil. Chiar voiam sa-ti spun ca-- este foarte rar sa vezi fete care se joaca jocuri video haha! Nu stiu de ce este o chestie tipica baietilor xP si sincer, sunt contra misoginiei si, eu o sa fiu cel care este in bucatarie, facand sandvisuri. Chiar ar trebui sa jucam Minecraft intr-o zi, de multe ori e super cool, e cu zombi si foarte multe momente de groaza, dar sa nu-ti faci griji, eu am sa fiu acolo sa te protejez ;) scuze, nu flirtam, jur doar vreau sa fiu prietenos si, si, si chiar imi place poza de profil? Cumva am mers prea departe? Scuze sunt foarte timid. Nu merg pe-afara prea mult. Daca vrei poti sa ma adaugi pe skype si ne putem juca Roblox odata sau poate vorbim putin. Pari foarte dragut si distractiv
deschizatorul 23 Jun, 2018 @ 2:55pm 
I make artworks
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I make artworks based on profile backgrounds with animated text(2 keys)and
SSSniperWolf 19 Apr, 2018 @ 11:09am 
no I didn't
deschizatorul 22 Mar, 2018 @ 5:25am 
SSSniperWolf 24 Feb, 2018 @ 7:53am 

DejviX 8 Feb, 2018 @ 11:40am 
Sexy :33