1 person found this review helpful
Not Recommended
61.2 hrs last two weeks / 383.7 hrs on record (308.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 6 Jun, 2022 @ 7:30am
Updated: 16 Feb @ 10:19am

Early Access Review
EDIT: After a few recent patches, the game is playable. I enjoy the Cold war theme and the need to use landmarks to locate yourself. The guns handle nicely and the inventory system is the same as previous titles. With some more love, this demo has potential to be a great Arma addition. Thumbs up!

Edit #2: Still having connectivity issues as of April 2024, up to about 15 minutes now though! Progress....ish

Edit #3: 4 times I tried being a pilot, and my game crashes every time I get to Sgt. I'm over this.

Edit 4: ......The end is the end is the end is the end is the end is the end is the end is the end is the end....

My rating will change when I can play for more than 10 minutes without the connectivity crashing. The game has mountains of potential, but by golly the connection. The worst part is, you lose your loadout that you just spent that 10 minutes on. FIX YOUR GAMES BOHEMIA

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