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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 12.4 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 16 Sep, 2024 @ 12:33pm

i've been looking forward to this game for years and i'm so excited to be finally playing it! starstruck has a passionate, sincere tone that you just don't get out of a lot of art anymore. when it aims for "quirky" like the mother series, it actually gets there rather than just superficially gesturing at "quirkiness". plus, it's a rhythm game rpg, which is just inherently cool.

experienced guitar hero players should note that, even though it supports guitar controllers and works great, there are some frustrating bits about the rhythm minigame: there's no real on-screen indicator for where the beat falls, which makes the charts nearly impossible to sightread, the notes wrap back around to the left side of the screen at musically random points in time (i.e. not at beat one of a bar), and you'll have to press the buttons for each note (for example, for a series of power chords, there's no "strum", you just have to press the chord buttons each time).

so this isn't exactly The Guitar Hero RPG as you might be excited for, if you're a big guitar hero nerd. that said the rhythm minigames are still plenty of fun anyway and the writing and art and story are unmissable.
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