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Recent reviews by VegaVermilion

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9.7 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game has its Pro's and its Con's. Its a great game for what it is as an Early Access Game. For it being such a new game it is very good, runs really well and plays well. A few issues i've run into so far though in my first few hours of playing though, First Person in the Police Car is very laggy for no reason (Might just be me though) the walking animations for your character are pretty meh, it looks like your character has a cucumber up his arse. and a few visual bugs that rarely happen, the last con i've run into so far is the Driving... The driving is weird, the turning is very wonky and the gas and brakes are very wonky. The brakes are instant stopping so there isnt really tapping the brakes. The gas pedal works pretty much as I expected it too. Although there are some cons to the game, its early access and those things might change. Some of the really good things this game does imho is the AI Interaction, although the AI with Warrants tend to run off when you try and speak to them (sort of makes sense but having to use the taser every time on them is kinda obnoxious at times). All in all im enjoying the game even with just 3 hours, even though the first like 2 and a half hours are Running around on foot without a car once you get the car it makes the the game much better.
Posted 30 June, 2021.
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691.6 hrs on record (399.1 hrs at review time)
All Hail Clang.
Posted 7 April, 2021.
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117.7 hrs on record (45.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Yes. But no. Without a VR its boring and if you have one then your set to actually enjoy something in this. without vr ur just a wandering imbecile looking to be bullied for being poor... 10/10
Posted 27 December, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
928.2 hrs on record (734.4 hrs at review time)
After almost 750 hours in the game, as long as you 1. Play with friends 2. Make your own bases 3. Have no life you will enjoy the game

Honestly tho, find a good community that IS NOT TOXIC and you will enjoy the game, needs an award for being fun and constantly getting updates :D
Posted 26 November, 2019. Last edited 26 November, 2019.
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836.9 hrs on record (715.8 hrs at review time)
Fun game, Having played mostly DarkRP (Dont its gonna ruin your social life because you get called ♥♥♥♥♥♥ every 3 seconds) its ehh without friends to talk to in any Game mode or server cause if your alone, you get bored and quick
Posted 24 November, 2019.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries