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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 770.8 hrs on record (177.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 26 Dec, 2018 @ 8:29pm

Sad that the reviews at the start have such an impact still. The disconnection issue sure was a bother, but it got fixed in about 2 weeks and have been stellar since (in my experience atleast). You can see on the chart that 90% of the bad reviews are from those early weeks.

Appart from the somehow bland weapon design (for my taste) early on, the game is in a really good state now;
- Lots of content
- Really satisfying with how you learn as you go, you will start to feel like an experienced hunter after a while
- So many "holy crap!" moments, both hilarious and terrifying
- Hella of alot of fun with friends :D

Important to find a playstyle that fits you, try alot of wepons early. I know alot of people go for heavy weapons only to feel like the gameplay is slow and clunky. You will in the end enjoy most of them tho. Happy hunting!
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