Off duty Kreigsmen   United States
Some SE words of knowledge (WOK) :se:
When you want to efficiently destroy an enemy's ship, just let some stone loose in the center of the hull.

If you are stranded in space with no power, and no means to generate more, fly around with your jetpack and steal uranium from cargo ships.

Sometimes the best weapon is good engineering and tactics, for instance: Out of ammo? Ram your ship bow first into their thruster pack. No carrier for your fighters? Stack them up using their landing gear and fly them to where you need them.

When in doubt, think of something a normal person wouldn't do, and do it.

Use workshop blueprints as little as possible, as not only can foes just find the best way to destroy it in creative. But it also stunts your creativity, and will make the game less fun for you.

If you ever find your self in a life or death situation, consult the stupid side of your brain. No idea is a dumb idea, sometimes your opponent wont expect you to do something like launch your ship into their bridge, or board and let stone loose (refer to WOK one)

hi (: :darkangel: