284 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
682 käyttäjän mielestä tämä arviointi oli hauska
0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 481.7 tuntia (232.1 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 28.3.2018 klo 17.04

Early Access -arvostelu
> Getting raided by some tribal savages
> Murderize™ the ♥♥♥♥ out of them
> One unconsious tribal savage survivor, Non existiant combat skills and incapable of most other jobs
> Throw him in the prison
> Torture him with ancient phycic artifacts we stole from one of his factions caravans
> Brain sets on fire a couple of times, left essensally braindead
> Forcibly remove his arms and replace them with ancient robot arm blades

> He gets recuited into the colony
> Everyone hates him due to him being disfigured and braindamaged
> Almost no mobility, manipulation and consiousness due to forcibly installed knife arms and brain damage
> First thing he does with his freedom is he takes a joint from the kitchen and takes it to someone elses room
> Smokes it and immidiately dies, due to the smokeleaf lowering his already nonexitant brain function to that of a potato
> Avarage mood of the colony goes up as most of the colonists rival just died, They have a party
> Colony wolves gorge themselves on his corpse
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
15 kommenttia
infra-dan-accelerator unit 84725 16.12.2023 klo 13.19 
how about a mod that when congisniss reaches 0% thay dont die
Kitsune King 17.11.2020 klo 23.30 
Rimworld in a nutshell
Kitsune King 17.11.2020 klo 23.17 
I love this
El Barto 15.12.2018 klo 12.40 
Psychic shock lance
It downs whoever is targeted with it with a chance to set the brain on fire. Giving them brain damage if it happens
Shinji.Deathwish 15.12.2018 klo 8.08 
What was this ancient phycic artifact?
Solimanius 27.4.2018 klo 14.06 
sold me a copy
El Barto 19.4.2018 klo 20.02 
You know we rolling in them syther claws boi.

What do you take me for? Some kind of neolithic primate?
coinflip 16.4.2018 klo 4.55 
Boi you just wasted some perfect Scyther claws!
Snootboop 13.4.2018 klo 16.18 
thats metal as fuck