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154.9 uur in totaal (139.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Update November 2022 - I would assume Take Two's grubby fingers are finally digging into KSP, as the game now has its own arbitrary launcher. There was a time I wouldn't have been bothered by this, but when every single publishing company now thinks they can just add yet another game launcher for the sake of "convenience" it becomes incredibly inconvenient. I already only use Ubi's and EA's whenever I want to play through something once, then they get uninstalled. There's zero reason for this one to exist. I was already incredibly skeptical of KSP2 after the acquisition, and this further turn me off. I will update if things change.

Played KSP ages ago on the beta client before it was brought to Steam, and even then it was a good buy. Nowadays with all the patches having added in a vast amount of parts, game modes, and more objects to visit, it's all the better.

There is a steep learning curve (after all, it IS pretty much geniune rocket science), but every small success is a reward of it's own, and you'll be able to venture further out into interplanetary space before you know it. The first landing on the Mun, and then shortly after Minmus, felt very rewarding, much like defeating a tough Dark Souls boss (and not the "omg finally" feeling with bosses like Bed of Chaos).

Or, failing progress, you'll at least see some expensive fireworks.

Update (late October) -
I've since copied the 1.2.2 version from Steam to my desktop so that I can continue to play it DRM free if I wish. This is due to the announcement that 2K Games have purchased the rights to KSP, and I very simply don't trust them to not turn the game into a microtransaction DLC-fest.

I will likely update it when the new paid DLC comes out since I believe I should be getting it for free anyway, and once the bugs are smoothed out and the mods fixed, I'll likely stop updating it again just to be safe. We'll see what happens.
Geplaatst 1 juli 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 4 november 2022.
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107.2 uur in totaal (106.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Easily the best RPG I've ever played, and easily the best company currently making games IMO (Obsidian is good too though). CDPR listens to the fans, adds features that are requested, and even upgraded the PC versions textures and then some since the downgrade fiasco, which everyone should have expected anyway.

The release of Blood and Wine also saw a complete overhaul of the menus which is also very welcome. I don't have any complaints about the game at this point...Just replace Roach's tail sometime :) (since fixed)

I'll definitely be buying more Witcher 3 DLC if they choose to release it, and I'm totally comfortable preordering Cyberpunk 2077 when it comes out. In fact, from what I've heard about it, I'm downright looking forward to it.
Geplaatst 5 juni 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 24 oktober 2017.
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0.0 uur in totaal
I defended Frontier and their payment model when I first saw what was coming with Horizons, given the size of the company. Now, almost half way through the year, 2.1 is barely just coming out. At this point, I'm very skeptical that all of the Horizons expansion will be finished by 2017, and so also doubt that their yearly model will be viable (but I welcome Frontier to prove me wrong ofc). I simply don't see the point in continued support of the project.

Yeah landing on planets was great at first, but the SRV is terrible to drive, especially in low gravity (which is mostly what you'll be experiencing) making searching for materials very painful. Not to mention that harvesting said materials will take you ages if you want to do any of the higher tier stuff.

If you are really excited about space and want a really nice galaxy exploration game, you can certainly do worse than the base game, and ONLY the base game. Seeing the various nebulae, dark sectors, and black holes is certainly quite cool, but I wouldn't recommend it if you're looking for amazing combat or a good story-based game (there currently isn't one, unless you count a bunch of meaningless "powers" squabbling over territory).

Edit - Forgot a couple other things I should have mentioned the first time around.

Firstly, the grind. Secondly, the grind. Big money making missions, at least at the time when I stopped playing, were constantly being nerfed, and the payout for high end missions that are anything other than smuggling are pitiful. The cost to fully deck out a ship like the Anaconda or Imperial Clipper is enormous (full combat Clipper is over 2 billion credits fully loaded), and not having high paying missions outside of long range smuggling is annoying. The only viable and consistent money making methods besides smuggling were bulk slave trading (boring) and grinding (yay!) weekly 10K power points for one of two factions for bonus money earned while RES farming.

Speaking of the Empire, the most efficient way to level up with the factions and unlock ships was a grind as well, a very boring one involving what could almost be considered an exploit of spamming station donations, logging out/back in and doing them again, for hours and hours. The alternative is to do missions for something like .5% progress per mission, which isn't efficient and will quickly lead to burnout.

Downvote all you want, but the game is really rather pointless after awhile, since it lacks meaningful content. I state again: great galaxy simulator for exploration (which doesn't pay well either), shallow game otherwise.

Edit almost 4 years on:

Wow, look at everything that hasn't changed. Yeah, not that it will stop anyone but I'm not changing this thumb down. I played again a couple years ago, 2018 sometime, and engineers had been slightly reworked to be more convenient to use and the Thargoid threat was further along. However, 2 more years down the road and I'm struggling to see what's different at a glance besides the massive expansion on the real money store and a couple mining changes as well.

There was a recent announcement that player carriers would be introduced. Lo and behold they are being implemented poorly. Who would have seen that coming, I wonder? And seriously, where the hell are atmospheric landings? They were being talked about pretty commonly when I dropped this review 4 friggin' years ago.

I read where there's a paid expansion planned for December 2020 and I can only imagine atmospheric landings will be front and center there. I get the impression that FDev must be hurting for money by now, similar to poor Crytek. Maybe I'm off on that estimation. Regardless, the playerbase is still baffling in its size and the game still gets defended like it's a fair maiden, so I guess I'm still wrong about it.
Geplaatst 30 mei 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 20 april 2020.
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40.4 uur in totaal (30.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
#1 #2 on my list of favorite games of all time. Nothing beats the sheer crushing depression of the atmosphere that drips from every pore of this game, even the vanilla version.

With a slew of modding options including total overhauls, you can easily squeeze hundreds of hours out of this game (and I have done, off Steam mostly).

Cons include sometimes frequent crashing (improved with large address aware fix), dated graphics, and many unresolved bugs.

Edit 4/23/17 - I am replaying this game again, and this time around I'm using Zone Reclamation Project, which I highly recommend using. There are a ton of very easy script edits, .ini file edits and even new features that should have been included in the base game.

Also dropped SoC to 2nd place over Witcher 3.
Geplaatst 29 maart 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 23 april 2017.
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3.7 uur in totaal (2.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS tight platformer.

Looking forward to finishing it.
Geplaatst 23 december 2015.
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105.7 uur in totaal (28.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Well, I did have the game as a positive review. Unfortunately, said game seems to be plagued by a save issue, which seems to have corrupted 28 hours worth of adventuring for me. Apparently Bethesda's other releases have had this issue as well. You'd almost think they used to same engi....oh wait...

Combined with some kind of texture loading issues and low performance to quality ratio, I think I'll be asking for a refund and purchasing Just Cause 3 instead.

See you all again when the inevitable Ultimate/Extreme/Definitive edition releases. I hope they don't think they can get away with calling it GoTY edition, especially at this point.

I was ready to forgive the usual shafting to PC fans but nearly 30 hours wasted? I simply can't.
Geplaatst 10 november 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 13 november 2015.
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38.7 uur in totaal (38.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
A fantastic city building game with every bit of management you can imagine. The only thing it lacks compared to Sim City 4 is destruction. DLC destruction is now available! Hooray!

A couple gripes I do have include finnicky metro placement and for some reason some of my garbage dumps inexplicably stopped working a few times, usually on older maps. I'm unsure if it was an issue I had with how I placed them, but the counter of active trucks would go from 0 to 1 quickly, over and over, never leaving the dump which of course caused issues for my citizens.

A strong plus is the Workshop; how can it not be after all. There are some fantastic mods available including custom buildings and monuments (the Combine Citadel for instance), AI fixes, and some really amazing maps.

Forget EA - Cities: Skylines trumps anything they'll make in the Sim line henceforth.

Update - Haven't played this one in awhile, but I have to say I'm a bit disappointed in the developers at this time. I'm not saying it's what happened, but it almost looks like they were surprised with how well the game did initially, and ended up DLCing the balls off it, almost EA style tbh. A couple of them are good, like the destruction one, but some are plain dumb, like the concert hall, which I'm sure can be replicated entirely for free on the Workshop, and the really unfortunate snow one which doesn't actually have seasons, rather just permanent snow.

A few questionable decisions, to be sure, but hey, don't like 'em, don't buy 'em, right?
Geplaatst 6 november 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 9 juni 2018.
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23.8 uur in totaal
"Payday 2 will NEVER have microtransactions." - Almir

Welp, time to hunt for a refund. Wish me luck.

Update June 2017 - Tried the game again now that the micro-transaction BS is over. Refunded that purchase. Apparently there has been a ton of balancing done, because the game is very different from when I last played.

I did Hoxton Breakout on Very Hard for a warmup, and while the enemies are easy to bring down, there are now a very unrealistic number of them. It was just constant shooting the entire time on both sections of the heist. The office floor on the second half of the heist featured a constant carpet of bodies.

But it recently was free, and in that case I guess give it a shot.
Geplaatst 17 oktober 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 17 juni 2017.
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88.7 uur in totaal (88.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
After months and months of waiting, I give MGS5 a tentative thumbs up. However, I rate it based mostly on gameplay. Functionally, MGS5 is a great open-world stealth game. As an entry into the MGS series, though, I have to say it was quite disappointing.

Some Pros:
- Heavier gameplay focus. Cutscenes generally only happen when they are appropriate.

- Play it your way. Pick a loadout and roll with it or mix it up whenever you want, and approach missions the same way every time or mix up your tactics. Enemy AI will begin to react to your approach over time though, which is a great feature as well.

- Lots of content. It took me 84 hours or so to finish the entire game, without obsessive side-op completion, and only around 57% completion overall.

- Looks good, but not great. Some flexibility with GPU control panels (higher quality AO for example).

- High attention to detail.

- Voice acting. Joel makes a cameo appearance as Ocelot to great effect, and Sutherland does a fantastic job as Boss. Like others though, I feel that a few more lines in some spots would have been welcome.

- Licensed 80's soundtrack, and the ability to add custom tracks, especially for helicopter pickups. Lots of potential there.

Some Cons:
-Looks good, but not great. Suffers somewhat from low-quality textures, especially plants and water. The performance impact for some settings is pretty insane for what little detail you gain as well. Texture pop-in is also frequent.

- Story. This is my biggest gripe of all. I don't mind any potential retcons or the ending since I saw it coming a mile away, but some of the obvious plot holes and meandering main missions really bugged me. It just doesn't feel like a coherent MGS storyline. You spend most of the game killing or extracting random Joes in order to....continue the game? And don't even get me started on the Chapter 1/2 split and the credits all over the place. However the later game interaction with Skull Face is pretty great, the Snake Eater ladder boss for the new age.

Another important point I must bring up is the loss of one of the main characters in the game. From a writing perspective, it would have been a MASSIVE stroke of genius only IF the character was back for the post-game. However as of right now, it's just a slap in the junk. The arbitrary step you must take to avoid the loss makes it even worse.

-Mother Base and base management. A tedious task at best, and Mother Base largely ends up feeling empty and WAY too spread out. It seems to take as much time to fly from platform to platform as it does to drive, and instead of just happily killing men to get to my objective, I have to worry about scanning their credentials to see if they'll be a valuable addition to my team if I want to develop anything useful.

- Climbing controls. I don't know about other people, but I found Snake's inability to climb small inclines to be very frustrating. This being after his Sneaking Suit shoes were advertised as being based on a real product, up for sale at some point. Not good for marketing. Small rocks that were seemingly of climbable size stood fast in my way as towering obstacles as well.

- The removal of Episode 51. I watched the footage from the PS4 disc and I have to say I don't think 51 would have brought anything we needed to the table. In fact I think it would have been bizarre for the game to end there. Cut content happens all the time in games, so it's nothing new anyway.

To restate, I think the game was just dandy on a gameplay level, but I don't think open-world was the way to go for the MGS series, and worse since it's supposedly the last in the series (I do doubt that, however I doubt Kojima will write any more of them). Had the game been a more traditional linear story-based MGS, even as a trek around Afghanistan and Africa, I think it would have added a lot more consistency. The fracturing of chapters also seems very useless, as do the credits after every outting.
Geplaatst 14 september 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 16 september 2015.
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224.4 uur in totaal (87.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Dig, fight, dig, build a palace with pure golden chandeliers, then kill a few bosses.

The replay value is nearly infinite, especially for $10 (on sale often) with free content updates.

Worth every penny.
Geplaatst 3 juli 2015.
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