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0.7 hrs last two weeks / 2,035.6 hrs on record (826.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 11 Feb, 2016 @ 3:07pm
Updated: 26 Oct, 2016 @ 2:32am

CS:GO Review
after 800 plus hours, this game never gets old. It does get repetitive at times, but every competetive match i have played, there has always been different problems that myself, also my team have had to overcome. Communication is a BIG part in this game, so i suggest buying a microphone before you get this game. The game is heavily reliant on callouts and team strategies. What makes this game so unique is the spray patterns, they are heard to learn, but easy to manage once you have gotten the feel for them.

People say you can pick this game up and be good at it, that is not the case, it takes hours upon hours to better yourself. I have played 800 hours and its taken me till now to really grasp the spray control! but then it will be different for everyone.

1 point i really must make is the Competetive matches. Once you reach Level 2 private, you can play a competetive match. but i HIGHLY recommend people NOT to start comp until at least rank 15-20. Simply because of spray control and how much you need to concertrate.

Also, if you do start playing a competetive match, you need to know your callouts for the maps, that is VITAL, Without any map knowledge, you can pretty much say goodbye to your hopes in winning.

The game is good, any one can pick the game up and play, its nothing like CoD, or Battlefield, so those people who say its similar are bullsh***ters.
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