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2.2 hrs last two weeks / 122.9 hrs on record (61.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 28 Mar, 2024 @ 10:58pm
Updated: 11 Nov, 2024 @ 8:58am

Early Access Review
Enlisted is a lot of fun with its weapons, tanks, and planes—really nails the feel of the combat. But as someone more into PvE, the experience can be pretty hit or miss. Half the time, matches can get so sweaty that it feels like way more effort than I signed up for. I just want a mode where I can enjoy the game and relax a bit.

Custom matches are an option, but they only give 20% of the usual rewards, which barely feels worth it. A dedicated PvE mode that offers at least half the usual XP and rewards would make a huge difference. It’d give new players a chance to learn the game and let players like me chill while still working toward rewards.

Overall, Enlisted is a solid game, but a better PvE mode with some decent rewards would make it way more fun for a wider group of players.
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