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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 6.2 hrs on record (5.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 10 May, 2021 @ 2:57pm

For not being a triple AAA title i can forgive many things about it, although i have many cons then there is pros.
Let's start.

Is the game fun Yufi?

Yes, yes it is! It's quite fun with friends indeed. Graphically, its pretty. Sounds are pretty crisp. The game does offer replayability. 5 hours in, i haven't even played most of the maps, and even when playing the same map, sheriff usually spawns somewhere else, and vaults aren't always the same. Also, enemy teams will always be different as you aren't always going to fight against a team doing one style, you'll run into different things. (4 johns is the most broken crap ever)

Now, lets go with the cons. Movement is clunky, assassinations on enemies is sometimes broken, you can legit be behind someone spamming E and the assassination won't go off, the combat doesn't feel as fluid as it should be (maybe this is intentional, emphasizing stealthy game play) Found a few bugs that aren't really game breaking, and server issues once in a while. Overall i really like the game and the concept so i'm very forgiving and actually enjoy the game still, but would i recommend it? Eh, you can't go wrong with 30 dollar price tag for the content you get but i don't advise spending the 50 like i did for the game, the cosmetics you get aren't all that pretty, i'll guess i'll have to see how the season pass content is so id advise if you plan on picking the game up, go for just the base game.
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