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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 22.1 hrs on record (20.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 5 Apr, 2015 @ 11:47am

-Nice, cartoony look. A brief reminder of when things aren't brown and grey.
-Most of your points will come from winning, not getting the most kills.
-You can buy any part, any time as long as you have the points.
-The parts are very well balanced. Expect to all of them of the course of your play. Well, except for the medic parts.
-Many parts are reachable within a few rounds of play.
-The starter parts are actually good. Even my super-epic tank of motar destruction has fallen to many a shot from a noob with good aim and smart driving. If you can compensate for bullet drop, you can hit anything and take a good chunk of their health out.
-Speaking of, most parts only get overpowered because of the skill of the person behind them, not the stats. When a chaingun tank runs up and turns you to scrap, don't immediately buy that part and expect to do the same thing.
-The parts that aren't weapons will range from light and speedy to heavy and tanky, and then toss in a ton of parts with unique abilities.
-The weapons are very creative. Every one has it's place where it shines.
-Maps are non-linear, leading to situations in Conquest where the enemy is holding out on a tower... Right next to your spawn. Constantly requires that you change up your tactics when things go to the unexpected.
-The radar is... interesting. It always shows where friendlies are but enemies are only shown when your radar waves pass over them. Oh, and there's no way to hide from the radar. Stealth missions require hope that the enemy is looking the other way.

-You don't get quite enough garage slots at the beginning. Leveling up will help, but still.
-The sniper guns push a completely different style of play from all the others. The most powerful one can kill a starter tank in one shot. Tankfully (heh) the death cam will point out where they're hiding, so you can remove all of their 50 health from their worthless shells.
-No dedicated servers or server software. All rounds are player-hosted. This leads to issues when the host exits and the identification servers tosses out a good game.
-Some parts are seen just a little more often than others.
-Even though this is the type of game you would want to play on a laptop whenever you have the time, the visual options just don't drop low enough for me.
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Flavio93Zena 21 Sep, 2015 @ 5:16pm 
Replying to cons, in order:
-Can't really help it, you can join their steam group to get one free slot. I got to world 1st in deathmatch without premium so it IS possible :P
-True, but there are loads of ways to kill those newbs, and they have been reworked.
-No more lag on host change.
-True, being worked on.
-It got some staibility updates that might help it, give it a try!