2 people found this review helpful
22.1 hrs last two weeks / 859.4 hrs on record (592.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 27 Jun, 2024 @ 10:53am
Updated: 27 Jun, 2024 @ 10:53am

I have put nearly 2k hours into this game series across all the titles. There are always ups and downs for the game but always ends on an up and more often than down. Its a wonderful game with so much thought into it. I like old world warhammer and this is the best game for it and might always be the best game for it. Feels like table top with a side of adventure where who knows whats gonna happen. There is a steep learning curve to this game ofc, but it is beginner friendly in terms of difficulty. Play this if you wanna play the table top, play this if you wanna learn about all the other characters, play this so you CAN DOMINATE ALL OF NEHEKARA WITH THE GOLDEST OF BONE LORDS. ALL BELONG TO SETTRA.

Total war community.
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