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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries
Collection of mods from Raysione
Collection by Raysione
At the request of subscribers, I post a collection of mods that I use.
Transport 40 -50s
Collection by Raysione
This collection contains all the mods that add a 40s - 50s transport to your game. In my opinion, these machines will create the atmosphere of those years and you can easily play with vehicles suitable for the era Guide to how to start the game before 1960
Buildings 1940-1950s
Collection by Raysione
This collection contains all mods that add 40s - 50s buildings to your game. In my opinion, these buildings will create the atmosphere of those years and you can easily place infrastructure in your cities suitable for the era Guide to how to start the game
Retexturing buildings from Raysione
Collection by Raysione
My collection will make the textures of some mods and items from the game better. For example, remove dirt and the like. I recommend subscribing to my mods from the collection to build real communism with clean building facades :)))
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