Joe Henderson   Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
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Rarest Achievement Showcase
stargazercat 11 Nov, 2014 @ 9:21pm 
Away away!
Nintendragon 23 Jul, 2013 @ 10:41am 
Thanks! :D
SilverFang117 22 Jul, 2013 @ 3:14pm 
happy birthday dood!
NinjaDave 22 Jan, 2013 @ 7:02pm 
I note that the tree is huge, but in the quick five minutes that I looked at it I quickly discovered that all they are is a web of minor/major/primary buffs to your charcter-don't worry about it to much and enjoy a tad bit of creativity. If it is still bugging you just wait for the min-maxers to go to town. I understand you might have other reasons for not getting I said "heres hoping!"...for the best.
NinjaDave 22 Jan, 2013 @ 2:19pm <-check this out, looks like Diablo 2's "true" successor. Heres hoping!