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Análises recentes de Merubokkusu

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After beating Outlast 2 I was conflicted about how I felt towards it, After spending a day thinking about it and came to the conclusion that its a great game, the problem was I was compairing it to the first one and Outlast 2 isnt like the first one
Whats different?

Outlast 1 plays more slow paced and using alot of stealth while Outlast 2 still uses stealth but is more faced paced, for an example Outlast 1 would play as stealth>stealth>chase. while Outlast 2 plays with more chases then stealth.

Outlast 1 is mostly indoors with hallways and small open spaces and a clear direction of where to go, Outlast 2 is for the most part outside with medium to large areas with a more exploration feel.

Outlast 2 has two stories in it the first being the investigation of a murdered pregnant Jane Doe/Finding your wife and the death of Blake's 4th grade friend, personality I felt the blakes friend story more disturbing (Kids are scary)

Outlast 2 features a health system and stamina meter unlike the first one (Collect bandages around the map, no visual stamina meter but Blake will slow down and he will breath roughly)

Whats good about it?
The Story
Both of the stories are absolutely amazing, I cant go really into detail about it because I dont want to spoiler anything.
For the story alone you should play it. (Pick up and read all of the documents you find)

Its amazing how good they got this to look, tons of props for modifiying UE3 and making it look fantastic and running unbelievably smooth (Engine Source)
Was always over 60FPS and never got any stuttering/drops on everthing on max 1080p (with motion blur on, sue me)
SPECS: 7th Generation Intel® Core™ i5-7300HQ Quad Core 8GB RAM NVIDIA GTX 1050Ti Yes its the laptop from the spiderman homecoming commercials[www.dell.com]
Along with the animation that was in the cutscenes was fantastic and could have been movie/AAA (Saying AAA animation doesnt mean much anymore though) quality

Voice Acting
Outlast delivers the same amazing quailty as the first game. I didnt find a single bad line that was delivered bad/wrong every single voice actor/actress does a fantastic job.
I'll also add Blake's reactions here too, as some spots in the game where jumpscares are set Blake's breathing will get rough or have a reaction which I thought was a pretty cool detail.

The AI
There has been some complaints about the AI not being very good in Outlast 1, While I couldn't tell you my opinion on this because I have beat the game so many times that its easy for me (Played on all difficultys but insane mode), I felt that this AI was pretty smart. They also added that the AI can crawl and crouch unlike in Outlast 1 (I felt so safe reaching those crouching areas in Outlast 1) I only had one "bug" with Marta that she wouldnt go away after I went through a gap in the fence (Meat hook area)

The Soundtrack
I love you Samuel Laflamme
Full OST Link

Whats not so good?
I wanted more of Sullivan Knoth, sadly there is only two scenes with him.

Not enough stealth, I would have loved a bit more stealth. theres only about two stealth parts in school ;(

Crouching feels really slow, I haven't played Outlast 1 in awhile but I could swear they slowed down the crouch walking.

Not sure if this was just for me, but I had it on max gamma and it was still extremely dark.
I tend to play games with gamma lower then it should be but this was too dark (IPS FHD 1080P)

I would say its a solid 8.5/10
Publicada em 13 de setembro de 2017. Última edição em 13 de setembro de 2017.
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"Never post that link here again" ~ Mod
Publicada em 18 de junho de 2017.
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1,466.4 horas registradas (1,420.2 horas no momento da análise)
Coding in lua is a pain.
Publicada em 23 de novembro de 2016.
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53.2 horas registradas (15.4 horas no momento da análise)
Waited over 10 years for RCT4, But instead of getting a true game we got.
1. A Moblie *Town Building* game.
2. A Bad 3DS title (That everyone forgot about)
3. A Game that the devs have no clue about theme parks or any passion

Then Frontier comes along and saves us.

Honestly this is all of the fans of the RCT series have asked for.
Its beyond words I can express (Tears roll from face)

TL;DR. If you loved RCT buy this, also check out Parkitectif your a fan of RCT1&2

>Amazing Coaster Builder
>The best terrain tool I have ever seen.
>The amount of freedom you have with the buildings and scenery.
>Still has the feel of RCT
>Steam Workshop
>Devs that actually understand theme parks.

Path tool is a bit buggy at some points.
...Thats pretty much it

>Random nonsense
I got a job at Six Flags and quit 3 hours later (Long Story).
I went to Six flags over 100 Times this year.

Six Flags partnered with RCTW and on 10/11/2016 while at Six Flags there is this "Jumbo Tron" that aired an ad for planet coaster. So Six Flags partnership coming soon??
Publicada em 17 de novembro de 2016.
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17.3 horas registradas (4.7 horas no momento da análise)
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Great single player game....☹
Publicada em 21 de setembro de 2016.
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0.5 horas registradas
Friend bought me this, thought we would get some laughs from this.....We had a few laughs.....but it was just really really bad.

The voice acting
The story
The games performance

tl;dr told my friend to get a refund.
Publicada em 9 de fevereiro de 2016.
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657.3 horas registradas (411.0 horas no momento da análise)
Thank god I saved my project before detaching the RIG.
Publicada em 10 de dezembro de 2015.
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0.4 horas registradas
Another *GREAT* asset game
Model,Textures,Scripts : https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/11786
Trees,ground : ??

There really isnt much to say about this, its a poorly made platformer that he really didnt even make.
Publicada em 24 de novembro de 2015.
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2.6 horas registradas
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!(Game is just a copy pasta asset game. Sauce[www.assetstore.unity3d.com] )!
( https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/18202 )

Dev added me on steam, Never messaged me or anything.
Seems like a good artist though.
Shame the game wasnt as good as his art.

They added a pause menu, you're still stuck in the game though.
Some dead baby rant was added after the devs logo
(This is now removed from the game)


They added textures to the map, gets around 15 FPS.
You take fall damage now, you lose around 500% from falling 10 feet.

//Update end (Get the // joke.....)

(Wipes sweat from head)
Here we go again, Its like In To The War and The Slaughting Grounds gave birth.
They named this kid Protocol, he was neglected by his parents forcing him to play by himself.

What I'm trying to say is that its a multiplayer only game.
0 players, so its a nice running around shooting at walls game.

Controls are good, since Its a bought asset :I

After the first match that you play (Alone) you spawn out side the map and fall for the rest of your days.

There is no pause menu also, so your trapped in this game. (Send help I cant get out!)

The devs logo screen is like 10 seconds also? I dont know why.

My favorite part of the game is the frog croaking music that loops forever.


...Im getting really sick of these asset games man ;-;
Publicada em 24 de agosto de 2015. Última edição em 12 de janeiro de 2017.
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16.3 horas registradas
The good end still seems like a bad end.

Over all, the art is 50/50
The story was meh.
Took me 6 hours, (please send help)
Publicada em 1 de junho de 2015.
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