Matt   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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Xen 4 Jan, 2016 @ 1:50pm 
Good old Gmod days
Swan 2 Aug, 2015 @ 4:42am 
glen 21 Jun, 2014 @ 8:42am 
You are awesome
Yetalis 8 Apr, 2010 @ 5:03am 
oh yeah if you do hopefully decide to give the brothers of regret a try i will do all the coding for them and the mapping !
Yetalis 8 Apr, 2010 @ 5:02am 
Hey i thought of a great idea, for our mod, can we have a new faction ? called the 'brothers of regret' who are mainly peacful, however have the best technology, and they are on no - one's side, their a bit like worshipers, however because there extremley powerul because of their technology, however the rebels or and the puma can try to get them on their side, to help the war effort, or a faction could turn against them, to try and gain their technology, also they trade a lot, so they are good allies, i was just thought of this because it adds some more roleplaying instead of 'big deathmatch' between two factions, their is one faction that you would have to think what to do with them

also they have the best guns and tech

however this is their beliefs

1. They like peace for everyone

2. They will go to war if only 'they are under threat, or have been attacked'

3. They believe all the citizens should be looked after safely, so they have the only non - runied city.
Yetalis 5 Apr, 2010 @ 2:55am

just have to find away to intergrate into gmod