WudanWarrior   Voluntari, Bucuresti, Romania
I must master the power of Yoga to be the best."
"Here's your first lesson in Yoga. Take the pain!"
"Thank you. The mind can overcome anything it wants."
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& Other extraordinary stuff that your mediocre mind can never grasp.

"I will meditate and then destroy you."
"Now you've realized the inner mysteries of yoga!"
"Mastery comes from within."
"Your mind is full of wrong ideas. It's best you empty it."
"You must master yourself before you can truly compete."
"If you're a warrior, training your mind is more important than your technique."
"Do you not understand the mind must be trained before the fist?"
"Without enlightenment, you are lost in darkness! Seek the light!"
"Fate... It was your fate to lose."
"Enlightenment! As long as you are not enlightened, victory will not come to you!!"
"Have you realized the ultimate mystery of Yoga!!"
"Fate... It was fate for you to lose."
"Is there any pride as a warrior in you?"
"Enlightenment! As long as you are not enlightened, victory will not come to you!!"
"Have you realized the ultimate mystery of Yoga!!"
"Fate... It was fate for you to lose."
"Is there any pride as a warrior in you?"
"To prove your bravery is to protect those who are innocent."
"The mind can often be a more formidable weapon than the body!"
"Shed your ego and become a part of what is around you. Awaken!"
"Peace and tranquillity... This is the way of Yoga!"
"My family... My friends... I will fight for their souls."
"A friend, no matter how weak or poor... is worth dying for."
"Victory is to control yourself as well as control the opponent."
"Meditate now... Then the answers you seek will be revealed."
"You didn't even break my concentration."
"Yoga teaches the combination of powers."
"With a sound mind comes a superior body."
"The pain must be endured. Then you might be great."
"Next time I will reach out and strangle you!"
"Mother India has been kind to me."
"It's time for you to learn a lesson in defeat."
"I have studied Yoga; you have studied nothing."
"Practice and you can follow me..."
"Not impressed? Let's do it again!"
"It's Yoga power that keeps me going!"
"I must meditate on why you lost... you are inferior!"
"I must master the power of Yoga to be the best."
"Here's your first lesson in Yoga. Take the pain!"
"Feel the power of Yoga."
"Do not attempt to challenge me again!"
"Free your mind and the rest will follow..."
"Always stay true to yourself..."
"A man must be strong in the mind and limber in the body."
"The way to master Yoga is very long..."
"My mission is to spread the power of Yoga!"
"Mercy is the power to forgive."
"Let the power of Yoga release you from your fear."
"In order to attain peace, concentration becomes key..."
"Thank you. The mind can overcome anything it wants."
"The power of Yoga will see me through to the end!"
"Let the power of Yoga heal and release you from your fear."
"My mission is to spread the power of Yoga throughout the world."
"In order to attain peace, concentration becomes key..."
"Free your mind and the rest will follow..."
"There are only two ways to master Yoga, the long way, and the longer way..."
"Mercy is the power to forgive. Kindness is the power to forget."
"A man must be strong in the mind and limber in the body to succeed."
"Popular opinion can change in an instant. Always stay true to yourself..."
"Today, I shall win again."
"Well done, child."
"Enlightenment is still far away."
"Yoga... Yoga... Yoga... Yoga..."
"Meditate." (Time Over)
"You are not ready for yoga."
"Cultivate a pure heart."
"You hesitate."
"Calm yourself."
"Hatred begets weakness."
"You are capable of more."
"I do not fight for pleasure."
"You lack strength."
"Too impatient."
"Is this my...destiny?"
"Desire only serves to darken the heart. Release yourself from its bounds."
"You must meditate if you truly want to awaken your chakras."
"Such impatience... The answers you seek lie in your own heart. Seek them out."
"My arms? Forget it. Flexibility like this cannot be achieved overnight."
"Yoga grants complete control over mind, body and spirit."
"Believe in yourself and nothing is outside your grasp."
"I should have held back. I must exert more control."
"My flame is but an illusion, but it will burn you if you believe it to be real."
"All the training in the world cannot rid your heart of doubt."
"Yoga... Yoga, yoga, yoga..."
"I'm afraid your defeat was predestined."
"No matter how difficult your trials, you must persevere to the end."
"You walk the path to hell on your own account? What a fearsome beast you are!"
"You will never defeat me without a dose of introspection, child."
"What an interesting specimen you are. The world is full of wonders, no?"
"We draw strength from those we love. I sense that you and I understand this."
"I sense confusion in your blows. You must overcome your demons, child."
"Open your eyes, child. Anger alone cannot sustain us."
"Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Open your eyes before it's too late."
"Passively allowing your opponent's blows to wash over you is a useful technique."
"It is a great sin to destroy the flavours that nature bestows upon us."
"Seeking the adoration of others will not bring enlightenment."
"What a shame that such power lies in the hands of one as evil as you."
"Is this a dream? An illusion? Hurry and show yourself to those who seek you."
"Life begets death. Death begets life. There is no escaping this eternal cycle."
"Controlling your aggression is a sign of courage, not weakness."
"You will reap punishment in the next world for your sins in this one."
"Do not fear the shadows of the future. The cycle continues with or without us."
"I am no alien!"
"You mustn't seek answers outside yourself. This is not where they lie."
"Anger is a siren's song that draws us toward damnation. Change while you can."
"Do not rush, child. You will find your path in due time."
"Power such as yours is destined to bring about its own destruction..."
"Beauty is only skin deep. Beneath yours lies a wretched creature."
"Countries are defined by humankind. Their nature is far from permanent."
"I mustn't stop as long as there are forces who seek to do harm."
"Give up. Your short limbs have no chance of reaching me."
"The road our souls travel is a long and winding one."
"We may worship different gods, but your strength is to be praised."
"O, Agni, please accept my humble thanks for the power you have granted me."
"My purifying flames wash my foes one by one as they fall before me."
"Through meditation, we are able to touch the very fabric of space and time."
"I do not like to fight without reason. Leave this place at once."
"This is destiny."
"You have lost because it was your destiny to do so. Do not resist."
"Yoga yoga yoga yoga."
"No one chooses the circumstances of their birth. What matters is the future."
"It is unwise to compare your strength to that of others, young one."
"All around is illusory and temporary. Your power is no exception."
"Your greed and thirst for power have blinded you to everything else."
"You fight not for fame and glory, but for the love of your mother."
"Do not rely on others' devices for strength. Believe in your own power."
"The past can no longer harm you, child. Look resolutely forward, not back."
"Everyone has their past demons with which to wrestle. Fight for the future!"
"You mustn't run from your troubles, but face them head on with a pure heart."
"Move your gaze from worldly possessions and toward more important things."
"Music is good for the soul, but be sure to listen to your inner rhythm as well."
"Your pride is what keeps victory out of reach. Humble yourself, friend."
"Stretching limbs makes for quite an advantage. You should try it."
"You would do well to first sample your dishes before adding seasonings."
"I pray that the hatred inside of you is extinguished quietly..."
"Thank you. The mind can overcome anything it wants."
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FurySwipe 15 May, 2024 @ 12:34am 
MJ13 8 Apr, 2022 @ 9:48am 
signed by mumkumd
WudanWarrior 10 Aug, 2021 @ 10:46am 
love day thanku big fan
76561198997309318 10 Aug, 2021 @ 10:44am 
HarryXRa 29 Jul, 2020 @ 6:44am 
OP :cozycsgoctwhite:
TOON BOY 29 Jul, 2020 @ 1:02am