Proud Catholic from   Germany
We have an exact snapshot of Christ via the cloth he was wrapped in after his crucifixion. Summary , but look for other sources too.
Christian, but not Catholic? CatholicAnswers is a great website to answer your questions in great depth!

"Worse than sin, is the denial of sin; Which is our modern attitude towards life."
" It is because we know what clear water is that we are offended by foul waters; It is only because we know Christ that we begin to see evil in it's depth. "
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

"For you will certainly carry out God's purpose, however you act, but it makes a difference to you whether you serve like Judas or like John."
- C.S. Lewis

"And those who have done good shall go forth to the resurrection of life. Yet truly, those who have done evil shall go to the resurrection of judgment." - John 5:29 []

"Christendom has had a series of revolutions and in each one of them Christianity has died. Christianity has died many times and risen again; for it had a God who knew the way out of the grave." - G.K. Chesterton

"Blessed are you when they have slandered you, and persecuted you, and spoken all kinds of evil against you, falsely, for my sake: be glad and exult, for your reward in heaven is plentiful. For so they persecuted the prophets who were before you." - Matthew 5:11-12 []

Never loose hope
Never give up
Never surrender

I made none of my works for commerical interests
Workshop Showcase
The entire Bible. Readable from beginning to end. Two full translations. Server owner? Check out Bible Mod Compressed! Includes: Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV) (Link) translated by Ronald L. Conte Jr. (JSON file downloadable here). King James Versio
2,151 ratings
Created by - Freef
Video Showcase
The Bible. In Minecraft.
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Freef 20 Jan @ 12:30am 
Was a week ago for me, but nontheless Happy Christ's Baptism Day!
SeraFim 19 Jan @ 11:56pm 
Happy Christ's Baptism Day
Freef 15 Jan @ 1:07pm 
No, Senya, it was the Communists that killed off your countrymen, and they continued mistreating them into the Cold War (thank Pope Saint John Paul 2 for saving your butt), and no amount of copium, propaganda or bad research is gonna change that. Blocked!
Freef 15 Jan @ 12:56pm 
@Senya Katyn massacre
JG | Foxie 1 Jan @ 10:37am 
Happy new year brother!!!:frontovik:
Doge Dogevich 1 Jan @ 4:44am 
christ is king