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0.6 год. загалом
Wish I could like this but its very disappointing. The combat is weak, no impact with any of the weapons, the swords are weightless and the guns dont have recoil, the choice to make them bolters without stocks makes it feel even more floaty as you have no way to anchor your gun. The game somehow looks worse the Spacemarine that came out in 2011. I played on the vive so the controls are all completely stupid with no way to change them seemingly. The movement speed is too slow, the enemies look and walk stupidly, and why am I taller then the marines? Im 6'1 ffs why is everything so much smaller then me. Maybe I will give it another try some other time but this just feels half baked
Додано 29 серпня 2023 р..
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65.7 год. загалом
If you have played and enjoyed this game you legally must play the Multiverse mod, no this is not a choice go play it now. it is FTL 3, they skipped 2 and made the third game already and its free and like 600mb or something, go now. I know most people are going to be like "Oh funny review" and forget about it in 5 minutes, so no seriously now, if you do not play it you will die sad and alone. So no like "Oh ill do it later" no you will do it now, you will open your internet browser and type in "FTL multiverse installer" and you will download it and install it and then immediately play it. Like really I discovered multiverse 12 days ago and now its been a over week somehow, I dont know how I only slept five times yet somehow 12 days have passed and I dont even feel tired. The game has literally over a hundred different ships and somehow I have unlocked almost all of them already. It has 4 different secret endings and I have gotten all of them. I gave a Gnome to Dr Seuss (dont question it), I summoned infinite beans and blew up the multiverse (really dont question it), I got a kid named Jerry to use a minigun and single handedly blow up the flagship, and somehow this isnt even half of the weird stuff I have seen and done. This is not only the single best mod for any game ever (yes I am counting CS and DOTA and Gmod), it is a strong contender for my favourite game ever. I dont think I can ever play base FTL again. I feel dirty that it is a FREE mod, I should have payed 80$ for it. So really go download and play it right now, if you read to the end of this review you clearly have enough free time to spare to download it. Like really this mod has so much ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ content I am still seeing new events and new ships, I think there are still like a hundred more quests I can do, in my last run I found two completely new sectors I have never seen before somehow, literally after unlocking 80% of the ships I am still finding new sectors with completely new encounters and more quests in them. This FREE 600mb mod makes Balders Gate 3 look shallow in comparison. GO DOWNLOAD MULTIVERSE NOW.
Додано 28 серпня 2023 р..
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12.3 год. загалом (11.8 год на момент рецензування)
Okay this game is good and is probably worth playing, I am leaving a negative review because it is no where near a 95%. Id call it a solid 7/10, above average but lacking in alot of ways. Its probably a very short game as well if you dont play on the highest difficulty and beat every mission like I did. Maybe the game is alot better in short bursts, but I was very sick of it by the end.

The main problem I have with this game is simple, it feels unresponsive to play, the aiming when not in focus is meaningless, almost all of the guns are so horribly inaccurate you can spray a full magazine into someone 10 feet away and not kill them, especially later on when you can only kill people with headshots, the last two levels felt entierly luck based rather then skill based as I aim at the enemies heads and hope my bullets actually go where I tell them to. This is negated when using focus since guns are perfectly accurate in focus, unfortunately you can only gain focus by killing enemies outside of focus. Meaning you get to have fun and actually shoot your guns effectively for a few seconds, and then you need to go hide behind a wall 30 feet away and tap shoot at people until the game decides that you can get a headshot now. The game would be SO much more fun if all the guns were perfectly accurate. Why the hell do I have to play this game as if its CSGO and crouch+stand still just to have my bullets actually go where I want them, when this game clearly want you to be aggressive

The movement is meh, you run fast in a straight line but your strafe and backwards speeds are insanely slow, along with the lack of any form of leaning (Seriously why is there no leaning?), and your jump/vaulting being short and entirely random respectively (seriously it is extremely arbitrary when the game will let you vault something) makes it feel a little unresponsive to play sometimes. The sliding feels a little stilted, like you slide the same distance and speed if you are running or if you are walking or if you are standing in place. So It kinda functions as a doge. But I have to wonder why they didnt just put a dash doge in, and left the slide in for only when you are running. The slide just makes it hard to aim and I ended up only using it to dive between cover, when the game seems to be wanting you to use it to push into combat. Sure you can combine it with focus but eh? Just add a dash in that can be used to knock people over and stuff.

The most fun there is to have is when you run directly into the enemies and spray them down or melee them, but most enemies dont die in a single melee attack (Idk maybe they do on lower difficulties), and your aim is so innacurate that I find the optimal strategy is to sit back and tap shoot half the time before cloaking and repositioning to repeat. You also are not rewarded for getting close ranged kills at all so there is no real point to doing so. Its a little ridiculous since this would be very simple to fix by just giving the player a sword, it seems every other "Subject" 105 (I assume the one that breaks you out of prison at the start of the game) and 107 both have swords, and 107 can use said sword to deflect bullets. Why cant I do that? That would make the game so much more fun. I can ditch the limp ineffective, inaccurate, frustrating guns and chop people in half instead. Yes please

Other then that, the story is well its a story I guess, SLIGHT SPOILERS but the story is basic and boring anyways. I was expecting to find more lore on the world in general but there isnt much, you cant really tell anything besides the basics and the only real story that is given especially towards the end is all just """"hinting"""" at a """""""""""""""""tWIsT EnDiNg""""""""""""""""" that I am pretty sure a mentally disabled 5 year old could see coming 9 miles away. Not to mention the main plot is kinda forced, like they show you the nuke mission two and immediately it was like "Oh okay so I need to blow this up at the end of the game right", but what possible reason would they have for showing you the nuke when they know they are going to kill you in a few days anyways. If I were to re write the story I would probably have the mid point of the game be where you turn against the syndicate with whatever that mysterious faction with the drones is, then you go about dismantling their evil? orginization. I know so little about the syndicate I cant even give you a reason as to why I should want to kill them anyways. Throught the story and all the lore pages I have seen they are kinda just a neutral good kinda faction? Like they seem closer to the SCP foundation then anything so I struggle to see why I would want to destroy their base. It just feels like they wrote the whole dismantling the big bad business story, then were like "hang on this is really basic and boring" and then forced this "cycle" stuff in to "hint" at a twist ending at the end that makes no sense. And by hint I mean like hinting with a sledgehammer to the face

TLDR: Just play ultrakill instead if you want to slide around and blast people with a shotgun in a actually satisfying and smooth way.
Додано 30 червня 2023 р..
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12.8 год. загалом
Game is fun. Decently long for the price tag. It was origionally a mobile game but that doesnt really make the game feel bad on PC, could use some more keyboard shortcuts and grouping weapons into weapon groups, but otherwise its fun. Though it is fairly easy if you dont blow your money on everything. But it does feel a bit empty, there is no post game content and the progression system is completely pointless since the game is entierly linear, it would be alot more fun if it was a FTL rouge lite type deal, where you choose what path you take through a map and choose to do side content for more money/xp at risk of lossing the game by running into a hard encounter. Right now I just want to keep playing the game, but the lack of a custom battles mode, multiplayer, or post game gauntlet kinda cut the experience short unless you want to replay the campaign, and the campaign is 105 levels long with a annoying tutorial section, not exactly a quick replayable thing. You wont be getting all the weapons you like using until 4 hours in.

TLDR: The game is good and will give you a day or two of fun and its really cheap so why not?
Додано 25 червня 2023 р..
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41.2 год. загалом (23.2 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
This game is... Currently very broken and barely functional. out of the 30 or so cases I have done, I only remember 3 that actually went off without any glitches or stupid AI. Some of the design decisions are also confusing and make the game annoying to play, like police not letting you, the person they pay for solving crimes, into crime scenes, the fact you cant like goto a office to buy a apartment, you need to find random notes on telephones that also take up spots for job listings, the fact you cant really question people where they were at a certain time or why they are in this security camera footage near a murder, and the fact you cant use the government database to reverse search finger prints.

BUT. This is one of the most unique and promising ideas I have ever seen. I want this game to be successful and turn into something amazing that could become a classic for all of time. There is alot of work to be done there but I do have hope. I would normally rate this negatively because of how broken it is, but when it works its just too good
Додано 7 червня 2023 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 14 червня 2023 р..
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17.7 год. загалом (13.7 год на момент рецензування)
This is System Shock but with nice graphics and slightly smoother gameplay... Thats it. Now is system shock a classic ahead of its time game that basically invented a genera? Yes. Is it worth 40$ in 2023? Not really. The simple fact is there are much better immersive sims out there with much smoother gameplay and less 1994 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Some people like those old PC games. Those people are clinically insane. I sorta am one of them. Hence why I am going to probably keep playing this. But you gotta be honest, if this was just some random indie game that didnt have the branding attached would you even care about it?

The combat is slow and stilted, most enemies are just bullet sponges that walk towards you and shoot projectiles or walk towards you and hit you with melee. Thats it. The boss fights are the only fights that are vaguely engaging. Meaning all you really do is sit behind a corner and peek out to shoot them, then duck back before they fire back, repeat until you killed all of them.

The story and general progression is entirely exploration driven. If you miss that one key card on that one shelf you overlooked or that one audio recorder under that one desk. Yeah your not gonna know what to do next or your not gonna be able to do the next task at all. You need to go through every single level with a dam microscope or risk missing something absolutely critical to the progresson. This would be fine in alot of modern immersive sims that have multiple ways of completing the story, not here, there is one path and if you miss one item your ♥♥♥♥♥♥, go back track through these massive mazes of levels until you find it. For one example disabling the mining laser (Minor spoilers) you need to go find a isotope in a room, bring it to the reactor level, put it in and activate the shields, then go to another room and do a cyberspace thing, then get the code, then find the room in the reactor to put the code into, then go to another room in the research level to press a button. This is only explained through audio logs scattered across the levels, otherwise you would have no clue these things are related. In a more modern game you might expect that hey you can do it that way or you could find some explosives and blow up the laser, or hack the reactor and cut off power to the laser, or activate some emergency fail safe that disables the laser. Not here.

The graphics and maps are very loyal to the original as well. To a fault. In the original the graphics were as detailed as they could be given the resolution of the textures. Here they took those already very detailed things, and made them more detailed and 3d. This makes EVERYTHING look super cluttered and busy, to the point its almost impossible to tell where you are by visuals, every room is just a noise of details. Some of the later floors are better but still. The layout of most maps is better described as a maze of cluttered trash then a place anyone would actually live or work in (This is sorta excused by a single log entry that says the station was intentionally designed to induce stress. Yeah no ♥♥♥♥ that doesnt make it a good thing)

Im not saying they should have changed the original to make it keep up with modern games. But if they did I would have a much easier time recommending this to people now. Y'know maybe just make the enemies move a little faster and have ai that takes cover or does other interesting things? Maybe have your super cool hackerman protagonist write notes on items or give small hints in a tasks tab in the menue, they know the world and its rules, you as a player do not, just at least give some insight into the world like that? Maybe throw in more then two surgery beds in the entire map so you dont have to run across 3 levels and use 4 elevators just to heal? As it is only play this if you are ready for janky 90s ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, I personally dont mind this, but I certainly would not recommend it to most people. Also not really worth the price tag, if you dont mind ♥♥♥♥ graphics just play the enhanced edition instead its less then 10$ and is a near identical experience. I would probably recommend this game for $20. Maybe just wait for a sale?

PS: Amnesia: The Bunker is cheaper and actually is a horror immersive unlike this
Додано 6 червня 2023 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 27 червня 2023 р..
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0.7 год. загалом (0.6 год на момент рецензування)
This... Feels like it could be something fun but right now its just so weird. Like if you took crusader kings and crossed it with something like civs. The map and time periods are fairly historical and some of the aspects of it are realistic, but others like how building works and diplomacy seem like they are out of civs. Like religion is a thing but it seems no one even cares. Mongols teamed up with Byzantines to attack Kyiv??? And building anything is so arcade and weird like with how building upgrades work. And also the game is realtime? Why isnt it years? Its so weird. Honestly this would probably fine if they just turned it into civs or large scale Age of Empires, make a randomly generated map and throw random countries on it, make it a little more clear its a arcade rts, that would help alot with some of the design choices. But the tags are Simulation, Medieval, Historical
Додано 2 червня 2023 р..
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222.1 год. загалом (211.9 год на момент рецензування)
The only way to play Warhammer and Boltaction without selling a kidney or two and dedicating half your house and life to miniatures 10/10
Додано 1 червня 2023 р..
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12.3 год. загалом (10.9 год на момент рецензування)
TLDR: If you like 40k buy it. If not go get Cultic its just this but better in most ways.

So this game is... Well its the best 40k game to come out in the last decade... Except for Space Marine, Mechanicus, And battle fleet gothic. I know a 40k game that isnt half baked on launch or packed full of enough micro transactions/dlc that you may as buy a tabletop army instead, and it actually has a decent amount of content? I am as shocked as you are. So good start there. But this certainly is not Cultic or Ultrakill. Its a solid.... 6/10 above average and probably a easy buy for most 40k fans. I guess I should get into specifics. To clarify the stuff to come, I played on the hardest difficulty and only really died a hand full of times. The game is middling in difficulty though it has a fair amount of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you will run into that was the cause of 90% of my deaths. But your experience may vary depending on what difficulty you play and well most people dont have like a combined 2000 hours in ultrakill, cultic, GZ doom, etc. Overall with a few tweaks this could be a 8/10, and is mostly a fun experience if your craving a goodish 40k videogame. You got like 4/5 other options anyways

Lets start with the pace, early on its good. Humans die in one hit from a bolter as they should, and the ocasional chaos marine only slows things down a bit. Overall the first chapter is fun and active. But as you go things start to drag. Some enemies just are too tough and while not really providing a big challenge they just wont die in a reasonable amount of time no matter what gun you use, and its more annoying them difficult. In general all attacks are slow moving projectiles that you can easily doge, though enemies have perfect tracking and will pre fire you behind walls, meaning if you run past a doorway you will get hit by bullets shot before you became visible. The big problem is it doesnt reward you for being aggressive at all. The melee is... Horrid to put it lightly, most tougher enemies will kill you before you can kill them if you attack them while they are at full health, and the melee basically locks you in place doing slow damage to the target you pick. It feels like it was made for a different much slower game, and you get zero reward for a melee kill like you might expect.

The maps look good and most battle arenas are well designed. But the later levels... well some of them are a bit lazy. One battle arena is just a dam square room with two pillars. Thats it. Needless to say thats not really a engaging arena. Though one complaint is that the maps are extremely obviously just battle arenas, not even like a shred of effort put into making them seem like actual places. Also no trenches -10000000/10. Kriegsmen are very, very sad

The weapons are lore accurate and feel decent. But the sound effects... Suck ass to put it lightly. I think I have heard ♥♥♥♥ nerf blasters with pew pew sound effect speakers in them that make more convincing gunshot sounds. And most of the guns are samey to the point the inventory feels bloated with junk. You never even run out of ammo for anything except maybe the melta gun so your never forced to switch. The bolter and heavy bolter are pretty much interchangeable for the most part, and they both massively out class the shotgun 99% of the time. The plasma, volkite, and melta gun all fill the same roll with minor variance. And the vengeance launcher is like the only gun that feels really distinct besides the BFG equal grav cannon. Problem is you have near infinite grenades so why ever use it? Seriously every marine drops grenades so why? I feel like the game would massively benifit from only having 4 weapon slots. Pick if you want weapon slot 1 to be bolter, shotgun, or heavy bolter. Slot 2 plasma, volkite or melta. Slot 3 vengence and add a heresy era rocket launcher, you are going for 90s feel right? Slot 4 make some actually good melee options? Like the chainsword is just bad. Revamp it into its own weapon slot maybe with a bolt pistol side arm. And maybe a power sword with a stormshield for extra damage negation and a improved charge? Or maybe even a thunderhammer with a big slam AOE and good anti tank ability. Also maybe make the various powerups like the machine spirit and ammo upgrades for the bolter something you can unlock and level up? Like you collect the machine spirits as tokens and then you upgrade your kit at a drop pod. Idk the way it feels now its just bloated and redundant with little sense of progression

Finally the enemies. The selection is decent. Cultists, renegades, chaos marines, and a hand full of tzeench and nurgle daemons. The nurgle options are... Strange to say the least and feel like they are trying to use everything that isnt in darktide rather then making a decent selection of nurgle units. nurglings, pleague drones, and pox toads. Yeah idk either. No pox walkers, no beasts, no blight haulers. None of the stuff you typically imagine when you think of nurgle. Tzeench is a bit better, you get the famously loved (100% not sarcastic) flamers!, and pink/blue horrors, and screamers. No tzangor idk. Just weird how they couldnt be bothered changing the color of the chaos marines, maybe swaping their stats a little and calling them thousand sons and deathguard. Literally could have just changed their color and tweaked health/damage values. Like I bet a moder could do that in a afternoon. But nope, "oops all black legion!". The bosses are all boring and samey. They all just stand in one place and soak up a unreasonable amounts of fire power. The selection is also limited, great unclean one, and lord of change, and finally the sourcerer. you fight each like 3 times and its old after the first time. Needs more bosses and more unique elements to them rather then just stand in one place and also maybe teleport. Oh also ancient ambull. Literally forgot they existed until half way through writing this. They run at you. thats it. Most of the ancient ambull fights are optional so just skip.

Okay now for the special ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ section this is just stuff that makes me want to stop playing. Great unclean one spawns near infinite nurglings it seems, on a later level I ended up with probably at least 200 because I got lost in this massive battle arena. Game nearly crashed when I threw a grenade into a group of them. Maybe cap to only like 20 nurglings at a time. The Lord of Change has a massive hit scan attack that will basically instant kill you if you are in the wrong place when they cast it (With basically zero warning), I think the intention is to get into cover fast but the first tick of damage is like 50 or something. Probably would be better if the first tick was like 1 damage and it multiplied by 10 on every next tick. At least then you get some warning and can get into cover before you insta die from it. The chosen champions are ♥♥♥♥. Just flat ♥♥♥♥. They run in a straight line, seem to have more health, and deal alot of contact damage. They are super easy to kill most of the time, but sometimes the battle arena just ♥♥♥♥♥ you and you have one spawn directly behind you, or you dont have enough room to run away or time to kill them before they get to you. To make things worse they have a seemingly random chance to revive as chosen champions who seem to deal like 200 contact damage. This is just ♥♥♥♥, if you kill one in close range or god forbid in a dead end its just a dice roll to see if they just say "lol no u" stand back up and insta kill you. I feel like it would be way better if they jumped around or moved faster and erratically, but you could kill them in one shot with a headshot since they dont wear a helmet, and if you killed them with a headshot they couldnt revive. This would make them actually engaging to fight rather then just "run away and shoot at them until they finally die". And for the final ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing. You loose all your guns at the start of a new chapter. Its just painful and makes the game drag
Додано 29 травня 2023 р..
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73.7 год. загалом (73.6 год на момент рецензування)
This game... Really makes me wish there was a mid option for reviews. I "enjoyed" the game for the most part. The base gameplay is rather fun. But it seems for every positive this game has it has a matching negative

Firstly the game is easy. Extremely so. I started the game on the easiest difficulty because people were saying it is extremely hard. I stopped halfway through that run because I hadnt even lost a single knight. So second run through I go for the next difficulty level up and same thing, easy as hell 99% of fights are over turn one or turn two as the knights just blend through enemies as if they were nothing. The only challenge is that the enemies pile on a million debuffs onto your units, rather then just making the enemies deal more then like 5 damage and have more then 8hp, they decided that they would rather make every encounter extremely annoying as your units get hobbled forcing you to not be able to reach the enemy so you waste a round doing nothing, Or completely disabling all spells (Somehow? Like seriously how does a bell make up to 5 grey knights unable to cast spells???), Or literally everything plaguing your marines so you have to have a million cleansing abilities or servo skulls. But probably the most annoying thing is that by the end of the game literally every enemy reduces your knights armour, or entierly bypasses their armour. On both my runs I went for things that increased armor alot, turns out that was all a waste because everything ignores armour. Seriously one grenade hitting your squad and suddenly your 4 terminator armored knights are now equal in protection to a normal power armor knight. Not that it matters because the enemies die immediatly from a stiff breeze assuming you have a functional brain and can spec your knights out effectively. I didnt even look up what the meta is or anything, I suspect if you do you probably will take literally no damage as everything crumbles in your path

Where the challenge of the game comes from is the absolutely absurd RNG in the game. I suspect if you are very unlucky you could die by day 100 through absolutely no fault of your own. Your knights can just up and vanish due to events "Oh you have a level 9 knight that you love. lol hes just dead now not through combat through a random event!". These happen constantly and have zero skill to them. And random events that damage your ship can happen constantly. To the point in my first run I ended up with a ship almost completely destroyed entierly through random events. I of course maintained a massive stockpile of servitors on my second run and that mostly fixed that issue. The way mission spawns seem to also actively screw you over. It seems impossible to actually reach all 3 that spawn most of the time, and half the time you can only reach one. This makes it less of a be careful with how you deploy your knights and more of a "Well you can only reach one mission anyways may as well only have a A team and no backups because when will you ever need a B team". Turns out you ABSOLUTELY NEED A B TEAM. Two of the final missions basically are impossible without a decent B team. Luckily I had a few decent ones but it was extremely annoying.

Speaking of the missions. These are sometimes fun but spoiler there are exactly 4 types of missions. Seed carriers, Bloom spawn, Bloom Spreaders, And boss fights. These get stale fast, and worse they get LONGER not harder, they get LONGER later into the game. You go from needing to kill one seed carrier to needing to kill 3 seed carriers spread across the whole map. Needless to say the fact that the game doesnt really spawn more units or really make you face anything tougher then two terminators in these missions. Well yeah its just annoying to the point 90% of the time I am in a mission I am not thinking on how I could beat it, but instead how I could cheese the map to get it over with faster. Saving teleportation abilities to cross gaps or teleport past enemy patrols. Its just not fun, zero challenge in these random missions and they just drag way too long. There is also no way of skipping enemy actions, you can speed them up but the animations still play out and enemies all have to move individually. Same thing with your knights. It takes like 5 minutes of just watching your fat ass knights jog their way across the map one by one to actually get to the fight. It would be WAY more fun if every mission just had one objective and that objective was actually hard. Rather then a million scattered easy as ♥♥♥♥ objectives that you clear in one or two turns tops.

The enemy variety is also a bit lacking. There are like 3 demon types that spawn, and 5 marine types, along with 2 cultists. They are pretty basic, the only interesting ones are the 2 big terminators that have unique abilities. Unfortunatly one of them is just straight ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ allowing ALL UNITS to bypass the armor of your knights. As said earlier this is just annoying. But really it is rather unfortunate that you dont see any of the more unique demons or more threatening marines

Building a squad is very fun, there is alot to do there and is probably the most enjoyable part of the game. The problem is ITS 110% RNG. There is no way to pick what you want ever, you cant craft items, you cant choose upgrades, and you cant even pick what knights you want. I beat the game once almost twice, I still havent seen a librarian. Not even once show up as a recruitment option or a reward. I havent gotten to play with a librarian. The worst part is the completely RNG weapons give so many cool unique builds that would be awsome to mix and match if you could craft your own or modify weapons or just actually pick from a option of 4 at least. By the end of both of my games I had upwards of 40 requisition points because I simple never got any decent equipment rolled that I could actually use past a certain point. The game would massively benifit from a crafting system, and a level system that let you start with basic strike marines and spec them into paladins or librarians or purifiers down the line. It also feels like the game is missing a commander. You are the commander but you never actually join the battle. Having a main character Captain or Librarian that you can spec out with various team buffs would be very cool

The ending and post game are bad and none existent respectively. Slight spoilers but nothing major. The final boss is sort of interesting but over all is way too weak, the only good part about it is that you get to play the best character in all of 40k (Fight me) Kaldor Draigo. Unfortunatly Kaldor is a MASSIVE PUSHOVER, he has like 2 unique abilities and is overall weaker then a single paladin. Half the health and basically no armor. Seriously what? Like really why did you make him weaker then a level 9 paladin? He 1v1 mortarion in the past and a million demons, but no hes straight trash that has to be protected by your random marines. Probably the worst part is that you dont even get to kill off the main sorta bad guy Kadex, like sure you kill him but no true death for him. Come one Kaldor is right there with the titans sword just have him kill off the annoying bastard. Kadex isnt even a major character, he doesnt even have a model on tabletop. It would be so easy to have Kaldor just say ♥♥♥♥ this annoying ♥♥♥♥ and banish him from existence. And finally you dont even get a final chapter master report, not even a final "good job you get to keep the ship and stuff". Or a triumphant return to Titan

Also post game content. Why isnt there any? You have Khorn daemon models in the game. Just like have a gauntlet type deal where you fight them in randomly generated missions along with nurgle units and hell since it seems like they make new units as if its nothing (Seriously literally made Khorn models for the intro that you can skip and they never show up again) why not flesh out the other gods for this sort of mode as well?
Додано 17 травня 2023 р..
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