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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 901.9 hrs on record (154.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 15 Nov, 2022 @ 7:33pm

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is to not be confused with the original Modern Warfare trilogy of 2007 to 2011. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is a sequel to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019), not to be confused with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007). I know. Very creative of Activision.

The Campaign
I've played a respectable amount of Call of Duty campaigns in my time. I've beaten the original Modern Warfare Trilogy, Call of Duty 1 and 2, Call of Duty: World at War and everything after Black Ops 4. From all of that experience, I can say that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II's campaign is... Good. It's not fantastic, nor horrid, but good.

This story is a sequel to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare from 2019, but it's not really important to play it to know what's going on. The story is somewhat akin to the original Modern Warfare 2 from 2009, but it's slightly different. Task Force 141, Shadow Company and General Shepherd (voice is played by Glenn Morshower, who played Overlord in MW2) are all in the game. There are some new factions, such as the Mexican Special Forces, the cartel and Al-Qatala (from MW19). Overall, the theme is pretty good. Although I do miss the generic "United States v. Russia" plot lines, but this'll do.

Playing the campaign for the first time on Veteran difficulty is something I would not recommend. This is the first game ever that I actually damaged a peripheral from rage. Still managed to beat the game just under nine hours. The levels play great. Locations are varied, taking place in areas like in the Netherlands, United States, Mexico, "Al-Mazrah" (some place in the Caucasus), etc. There are plenty of stealth missions, but most of them don't even require you to be stealthy. You could play extremely loud and be punished for it, but the game won't stop you, which is ultimately a good thing at the end of the day for more freedom in choice. The graphics are also great, definitely triple-A in this sector, which is expected.

In conclusion, the story is good. I would honestly give it a 7/10, since it's nothing really special, just another Call of Duty campaign. Comparing this story to previous new Call of Duty titles, I would rate this lower than Black Ops Cold War, but higher than Vanguard. Much higher than Vanguard...

The Multiplayer
Ah, the multiplayer. The main reason why people bought this game in the first place. Multiplayer is the reason why this game has mixed reviews on Steam. The general consensus of why ~45% of all Steam reviews on this game are negative is either because of SBMM (skill-based matchmaking) and/or the constant crashing (although as of November 15, 2022, crashing has been fixed for the most part on my end). I personally am neither a fan or a hater of SBMM. I personally do enjoy when I get extremely sweaty enemy teams since it forces you to play differently and adapt. I do like a challenge, hence why I play Call of Duty campaigns on the hardest difficulty available.

Anyways, multiplayer is great. I love it. The gameplay is a mastered version of the Call of Duty formula. There are guns, noobtoobs, killstreaks, scorestreaks, tanks, attack-helicopters, fighter jets, juggernauts, you name it. The gunplay is phenomenal, the best of the best. No other videogame can come close to the hundreds or thousands of hours the animators put into this damn game. It can be debated whether or not the core gameplay is good or not, but the animations/graphics are the best when it comes to the firearms.

You can expect the classic Call of Duty multiplayer formula when buying this game. There's gamemodes like TDM, Search and Destroy, Domination, etc which we all know and love. There are a couple new gamemodes such as Invasion (large scale TDM with AI) and Prisoner Rescue, which is akin to Rainbow Six Siege. Ground War is a returning gamemode from Modern Warfare (2019) which is a 64v64 combat scenario with only real players, tanks, helicopters, APCs, you name it. It is also fantastic and much better than it's AI counterpart, Invasion.

The Spec Ops
For those who don't know, the Spec Ops mode in Modern Warfare II is a cooperative mode where you play with one other person. As of November 15, 2022, there are only three missions. Season 1 will add one more mission at launch, which I have not played. The three missions that I have played are Low Profile, Denied Area and Defender: Mt Zaya.

Low Profile is so much fun, especially if you play with someone you know and use communication. Denied Area was also very fun, especially if you try to get three stars. Defender: Mt Zaya is the Spec Ops mission most akin to classic Spec Ops from Modern Warfare 3 (2011). Overall, Spec Ops is a fun little gamemode to pass the time with a friend. I believe it will become more advanced later in this game's life cycle due to continued support and this other gamemode or feature called "Raids". I don't know much about raids but I've heard good things about it.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is a great game. I love it and I've spent so much hours on it already, and Season 1 hasn't even started it. As a matter of fact, it launches tomorrow from the time of writing this review. I'm a Call of Duty fan. Those who aren't really fans of Call of Duty will probably not like this game. That really goes with any game but with the Call of Duty franchise, the same game is basically released every year with little differences. I'm not complaining about it because I love the formula and I'm always a fan of the games. So, in conclusion, if you liked Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019), you will like this game. If you didn't, you most likely won't like this game either.
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