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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.5 hrs on record
Posted: 8 Jun, 2024 @ 8:42pm

good concept for a rhythm game but lacking in the execution.
the game has no settings as well as no audio offset which is extremely crucial to a rhythm game and while the songs are good the charts not so much. especially in the china level many times the rhythm is completely not followed and the whole section feels rushed. the way some patterns decide to mirror to the opposite side is completely arbitrary and doesn't follow any sound indication in the song itself.
some patterns are also hard to read not due to them being complicated but rather to the lack of colorcoding of the various lanes; you can't tell when you're going to flip upside down, the highlighted lane on which you are currently on is barely visible due to the highlighting color being extremely similar to the original and the animations of the character often lag behind or give off a wrong impression of movement due to the exaggerated bobbing that occurs every time you change directions.
the game also has checkpoints, however it will instantly respawn you as soon as you click a key without any warning meaning that you will often end up wasting your "free hit" at the beginning of the checkpoint.

even the only two gameplay modifiers "no far lanes" and "no near lanes" are busted. they are supposed to be the equivalent of "hidden" and "fade in" from other VSRGs but fail to achieve anything. "no near lanes" aka the game's equivalent to hidden doesn't fade out the note you are currently standing on and fades out incoming lanes at the wrong timings, meaning that when you couple that with the lack of offset calibration and the game's poor readability due to the awful camera angles and lack of color coding it becomes a torture to play with it. as per "no far lanes" it completely misses out on the concept of what "fade in" is supposed to be and just reduces the distance at which new lanes appear to just the first one ahead of you. no fading or any try to make it less of a jumpscare and when you add it to the inability to change the character speed sort of like changing scroll speed in VSRGs you're in for a very poor time.

the tutorial also fails to explain most of the game's mechanics including free hits and how the scoring works.

if the dev were to fix all these issues, the game would be really nice, worth paying for even;
but as of right now in it's current state, i wouldn't reccomed playing it even if it's free.

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