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Posted: 13 Apr, 2018 @ 3:16pm
Updated: 12 Apr, 2020 @ 11:31am

CS:GO Review
- 2 teams (ct and t). aim is to run around and try get as many kills as you can.
- different point values are awarded depending on the weapon used when you get a kill.
- which ever player gets the most points will win the match for there whole team.
- instant infinite respawn on death.
- infinite ammo (but still have to reload).

- 2 teams (ct and t), aim is to complete an objective to win the round. which ever team is first to win 16 rounds wins the match. games can also end in a draw if both teams manage to get 15.
- objectives, a round can be won by any of the following:
1. killing the whole enemy team (before the bomb is planted)
2. killing the whole enemy team (before a hostage is rescued)
3. defusing a planted bomb (ct win)
4. bomb explodes (t win)
5. by rescuing a hostage (ct win)
- all players have a skill group ranging from unranked (lowest) to global elite (highest). players of a similar skill are placed together.
- you cant leave the match, if you do you will get banned.

- same as comp but any one can play with anyone else regardless of skill.
- no ranking system
- larger teams then comp.
- leave or join match at any point

War games:
- a collection of game modes based off of comp or deathmatch but with diffrent objectives (e.g. win round by getting kill with knife in arms race) and different conditions (e.g. low gravity in flying scout's man).
- the war games are as follows: arms race, demolition, and flying scoutsman.

Battle Royale:
- similar concept to PUBG or Fortnite. parachute in, large map, search around for weapons and loot. to win, objective is to be last player alive.
- servers are much smaller with only 16 players, which differs compared to the 100 players of other battle royale games like Fortnite.

My opinion on new free to play update:
why would any hacker waste money on buying csgo when they can play it for free?

remember that non prime (free to play) and prime (paid users) dont mix.

so by making the game f2p: it separates legitimate users (people who are willing to pay money for the game), with hackers (people would rather save them selves a bit of money and play the free version, as there is no need for them to waste money getting prime).

so yes there will be a lot more hackers in free version, but you won't have to deal with them if you yourself are prime.

in my opinion this is one of the best moves valve could of made. and i understand there thinking as to why they did it.
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