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Neue Rezensionen von Daybreak

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Ergebnisse 61–68 von 68
16 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
78.7 Std. insgesamt (67.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
The Talos Principle is an indie science fiction puzzle game with a warm and noble philosophical underpinning, worthy of its Western philosophical heritage. The overall ambience, for the majority of the time, is tranquil supported by serene music.
The game--and its expansion: The Road to Gehenna-- gracefully explore the theme of artificial intelligence with various supporting pillars as the game unfolds, such as, what is a human being, what constitutes it? Or creativity, curiosity and legacy.

The puzzles start out in linear fashion for the game to open up in hubs that you're free to explore and come back to latter if you get stuck on a puzzle. The puzzles consist of connecting lasers, crates, air fans, jammers; to bypass force fields and enemy drones, and so on. The puzzles are more or less on the difficulty of Portal 2's puzzles outside of the star puzzles. Whereas if you're hungry for more and quite a bit more complicated puzzles - rejoice you're in for a feast with the expansion "The Road to Gehenna".
Verfasst am 4. November 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 5. November 2016.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
669.1 Std. insgesamt (559.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
+ It's Magic the Gathering
+Decent online player base
- Somewhat lackluster copy of Heartstone
-Rare bugs
-Inferior to MtG: Online in some ways.
Verfasst am 13. August 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 21. Januar 2017.
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11 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
49.4 Std. insgesamt (49.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
The House in Fata Morgana is a glorious Japanese Visual Novel set in a western setting that takes about 30 to 40ish hours to complete. The game features a few choices, most of them in the later part of the game; it’s a pretty linear narrative with different dead ends. The gothic mystery induced narrative revolves around a cursed mansion set in different time periods, as it explores themes of, for instance, human nature, insanity, love and hatred. It manages skillfully, overall, to go between bright, life-giving sequences on the one hand and dark desolate ones on the other.

The soundscape supports the narrative in a most beautiful way and some of the tracks have vocals in different languages like Portuguese and Latin, that provide a most wondrous ambience to different scenes.

The Writing/translation seems to be good overall, though it’ll use “hehe” to express laughter, while rarely it’ll describe it instead as is leaps and bounds more appropriate, just to mock me no doubt. For the love of humanity who do I have to tickle to death? Seriously. Stop making my eyes bleed.

Once you finished the game properly you’ll get access to a quite humorous and fourth wall breaking tour in the extra menu.
Verfasst am 21. Juni 2016.
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6 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
4.6 Std. insgesamt
Beyond Eyes er et uafhængigt, kunstnerisk, Første-Persons udforsknings pc spil om en lille pige der bliver blind i en ulykke. Efter en mørk periode domineret af modløshed og tristhed, får den lille pige en ny ven i form af en hjemløs kat. Dette møde og venskab bringer på ny lys og glæde ind i hendes tilværelse, og hvor hun før blot sad på hendes bænk omhyllet af en tyngende tristhed, får hun nu lyst og mod til at udforske hendes have. Tiden går og venskabet blomstrer, men en dag kommer katten ikke på besøg mere, dage og årstider går forbi. Tilslut bestemmer pigen sig for at hendes ven må være kommet i problemer, derfor kommer katten ikke og besøger hende. I kraft deraf beslutter hun sig for at finde, og komme sin ven til hjælps ud i den store verden, hvor hun aldrig før har været på egen hånd; på den anden side af hendes have i familiens hus. (Vi ser aldrig hendes forældre, de har angiveligt travlt med arbejde). Størstedelen af spillet udfolder sig i denne søgen efter hendes ven.

Blindheden bliver i spillet repræsenteret ved at spilleren visuelt kan se hovedpersonen i tredje persons perspektiv, og derudover kun kan se de steder hun kender på forhånd. I starten af spillet kender hun kun den del af haven der ligger lige op af hendes hus. Det ukendte er repræsenteret ved en hvid intethed der på malerisk vis komme til syne når vi for eksempel går ned af en "ukendt" sti. Derudover, hvis hovedpersonen støder på noget hun ikke kender rent lydmæssigt for vi en visuel forestilling af hvad hun tror det er, måske mener hun at det er noget farligt, hvor det så, for eksempel, viser sig slet ikke at være tilfældet. Enkelte andre ting modificerer spillereglerne enkelte gange. Generelt handler det om at komme nye steder hen og for eksempel finde ud af at komme forbi en vred hund.

Selvom Spillet ikke er yderst realistisk, selv inden for spillets egen logik, er det en kunstnerisk smuk og ædel måde spillet portrætterer blindhed på der giver en tankevækkende oplevelse af hvad det vil sige at være blind. Det primære negative aspekter ved spillet, i mine øjne, er at det i længden kan blive lidt for ensformigt, samt at det bliver lidt kedsommeligt kun at kunne gå langsomt rundt. Dog ville det ødelægge spillet fuldstændigt, som det er nu, hvis man kunne løbe.
Verfasst am 3. Mai 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 3. Dezember 2016.
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9 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
6.7 Std. insgesamt
Solstice is a Science Fantasy visual novel with a Choose Your Own Adventure book structure to its narrative. It features four different endings that can be modified more or less depending on which choices you pursue over the course of the game.

The main portion of story unfolds within a small city named The Jewel of the North, in a unnamed fictional world. This marvel is protected from the frozen wasteland that surrounds it through the means of advanced technology fused and enhanced with magic. As a result the inhabitants can live in it as though it was summer.

Our two protagonists arrive at the city just before it is caught off, by the ruthless weather in this unforgiving climate, for the upcoming winter solstice. A seemingly small crisis soon befall the city and we seek out to prevent it from escalating into a catastrophe. By the end we get more insight into the cities structure and how it has come to its current permutation. How it has shaped its inhabitants, our protagonists and antagonist(s) outlook on life.

The game boats multifaceted and well fleshed out characters, society structure and cultures. With the first being in the forefront of the tale, but supported well by the other two in service of the tale that's explored. Beautiful music and background art enhances the experience to great effect.

The main negative aspect for me was that the auto text speed was either bugged or it simply only had too fast options for my reading speed. But overall a great game and bodes well for, hopefully, more games by MoaCube.
Verfasst am 24. April 2016.
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5 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
94.5 Std. insgesamt (92.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
The PC version is a joke.
Verfasst am 1. März 2016.
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28 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
57.2 Std. insgesamt (50.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Winter Voices is an indie text heavy RPG a bit akin to Planescape: Torment, but also very different. Its strongest point is its fairly linear psychological and existential story centred on some of the darker aspects of us humans, but ultimately it's an experience of struggle, development, hope and growth; made with psychological insight. Next its "combat" encounters and its weakest the free roam hub-sections like the starting village. The game has a lovely artistic vision and ambience created by its hand-in-hand art direction, soundscape and writing. Which all have a wonderful poetic feel and are tied into the "combat system" beautifully. Plus if you are fond of metaphorical writing in works like "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Nietzsche, then you're bound to find the dream sequences interesting, as they employ metaphors to great effect. That said the English translation can be a bit iffy, so play it in its native French if you can.

The game is set in a fictional universe at the start of an industrial revolution in a Western country. The plot unfolds in a little remote, primitive and snowy mountain village, which lives by and practices a variant of Old Norse religion, whether the game is set in a Fantasy setting, or employs Magical Realism is up to interpretation, though it isn't at the core of the narrative outside of the dreams. You play a young and fragile twenty-four year old woman whose father has just died, it fairly quickly becomes apparent that you, the protagonist, have an abnormally hard time dealing with this death (wink wink), which propels you onwards on a journey of self-discovery within your dreams and the real world.

RPG mechanics

There are three classes to pick from Huntress, Weaver and Völva (a shamanic seeress). All of which favours one the six stats (Humour, Willpower, Memory, Perspicacity, Charisma and Intuition). These stats represents your strengths and weakness in your psychological profile. You get, primarily, XP points to level them up from completing quest, "combat" and speaking with people. Separate from this you also gets Skill Points as you level up. You can use them in a giant 2D-snowflake-formed Skill Tree with a total of 90ish skills to choose from enveloped by twelve different main paths (Negation, Metamorph , Pride, Social, Support, Composition, Ex-nihilo, Acceptance, Resilience, Resistance, Protection and Dispersion. ) to pursue, as you start out in the centre of it. You won't be able to learn all the skills in one play-through. Each of the twelve paths represents different ways, more or less gamey centred, human beings can deal, reflective or not, with grief and loss, whereas the "sub skills" are mixed between human traits such as creativity, perfectionism etc., and more culture specific things on the other hand such as: Song: Voluspa and Void Walker.

"Combat" encounters. The combat encounters take place in the dreams of our protagonist. Troubled dreams that portrays her struggles to come to terms with her father's death and her past. They are turn-based puzzle-like encounters on a grid that represents her fight with her inner demons. Overall I found the combat encounters interesting and varied enough in their different puzzles in my play-through as a Völva. Though an occasional freezing bug of the entire game was annoying in some of the longer key encounters, especially as you couldn't save in between them.

In fact it made me put the game aside for around a year before returning to it once again. Though I am glad I did, as I really, really loved certain parts of the narrative :D
Verfasst am 16. Januar 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 16. Januar 2016.
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16 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
43.1 Std. insgesamt (21.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Miss Planescape: Torment? Are you fond of the setting and plot of games like: The Old City: Leviathan, Riven, The Talos Principle, Primordia? Then odds are you'll find the setting interesting in this game - you might even fall in love.
Verfasst am 21. September 2015.
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Ergebnisse 61–68 von 68