Heavy: "I am Heavy Weapons Guy...and this (grabs Sasha) is my weapon. (Touches Sasha with both hands.) She weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute. (looks at the camera) It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon...for twelve seconds."

Heavy: (Laughs Joyfully)

Heavy: (Checks the barrel of Sasha) "Oh my God, who touched Sasha? Alright...Who touched my gun!?"

Heavy: "Some people think they can outsmart me. Maybe, maybe. I have yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet."

Heavy: [Holds a bullet and Machine gun revving sound starts)

(Heavy uses Sasha to dominate the game on Dust bowl Stage)

[Team Fortress 2 Theme plays)

(Gun fire)

Heavy: "Waaaaahhhhh! Uwaaaaaaah! Ahahahahaha! Cry some more!"

(Pause and show black screen)

Heavy: "Hehe, cry some more."
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a puppy named Gracie 16 Feb @ 1:01pm 
D4MT 16 Feb @ 12:46pm 
i cant now
a puppy named Gracie 16 Feb @ 12:13pm 
wanna got to tf2 wit me?
D4MT 16 Feb @ 11:43am 
a puppy named Gracie 16 Feb @ 11:32am 