Living Darkness
David hunter   Suffolk, Virginia, United States
I am a structually perfect organism. The perfect killer. Natural Purity. Unclouded by any senses of morality, conscience, or delusions of remorse. My structual perfection is only matched by my hositlity. I am a survivor. I lie and wait for opportunity and when it does my victims are finished. Kill or be killed. I plan on surviving. Anyone who disagrees gets eviserated, impaled, or decapitated. I am a xenomorph. My name is the crawling dark. My purpose is simple. KILL. ALL. MARINES.
Currently Offline
Frost Alien 3 Oct, 2013 @ 7:18am 
an other Aliens on this ship ? cool ! Xenos rules ACM !!!
Darkchaosblast 16 Sep, 2013 @ 2:27pm 
Hey you can invite me to Aliens: Colonial Marines now because i got my computer to work
Living Darkness 28 Aug, 2013 @ 5:51am 
Where can I find the gifts
Roki 27 Aug, 2013 @ 6:51pm 
can you send me a gift sometimes? i am poor