Joe Pickleson Jr.
United States
I can lift a fully grown horse above my head, and I can hold my breath for ten minutes. To settle a wager, I once ate a pound of P.B. Fouke's strongest badger poison and then ran a mile in the nude. I cannot feel pain, and I can see for two miles unaided by a lens. No man can kill me. I have beaten a man of every race in formal combat, including a Turk, a Pygmy Negro Man and a rare Deepwater Jew. A medical doctor and two priests have written and signed a document confirming that I have no soul.
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WobblyXD 7 Jan @ 9:16pm 
"just bounce on it" Pause. Bounce on what? Why do you want them to bounce on it?
Joe Pickleson Jr. 7 Jan @ 11:06am 
just bounce on it
кят Ruff 6 Jan @ 12:26pm 
Hammer you?
+rep like your pfp
phagghotron9000 23 Dec, 2024 @ 4:25pm 

Sergeant Johnson 16 Dec, 2024 @ 4:00am 
im oiled up, what now?