Cerulean Night   Texas, United States
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FlipFlopFloop 22 Oct, 2014 @ 8:43pm 
i didn't mean to throw out that ultra x.x
Side quest 15 Sep, 2014 @ 12:07pm 
there's a difference when there's just some spikes, stutters or brief slow downs, with you it was an underwater sea adventure. I only checked your profile to check your location to take note and see if that was the problem. but I ended up encountering you're a laptop user, who posts utube vids of you lagging other people. It's not my pc when you're the one using a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ laptop, most likely wireless and one out of like 4 who I ever encountered with this intense lag. You lag like crazy even in your own vids ruining the experience for others, so it's not me at all. You also turtle from start to finish so it isnt sometimes. lastly you're the only one who is raged filled becuase you abused lag vs me and still lost and I called you out.
CeruleanNight 15 Sep, 2014 @ 11:34am 
@InQx ...says the person who gave the game of which you playing a bad review quoted below from your profile:
"Not Recommended
65 hrs last two weeks / 212 hrs on record
Another freaking fighting game port disaster, cmon..........
Even the freaking main menu lag's. I am not a developer but I am pretty sure 2D fighting games are pretty easy to code and repair/fix/create in comparison to other games, so I cant accept or understand why these games are in the state that they are in and why no adjustments are made on the fly.. Posted: Sep 9 @ 10:59pm"

and complains about lag? The match at the time was fine for me and for you too from the looks of it. (It might be your computer.) Considering when your argument was made, I'm sure you should have already known that Capcom is working a solution to the net code problem with its beta testing.

You don't "deserve" a Youtube post with your rage-filled attitude.

Chun-Li is a charge character that calls for turtling sometimes. Nothing "wrong."
Side quest 15 Sep, 2014 @ 11:02am 
You really shouldn't game on laptop you lag like crazy, prolly the worse I've encountered in a while. You also turtle what is wrong with you? why are you also posting lag matches on youtube, are you gonna post your loss even though your lag switching me?
D Jay Hush 8 Aug, 2014 @ 10:45am 
gg chun :Rex: