18 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 12.8 hrs on record
Posted: 12 Feb @ 10:37am

This is NOT a Civ game. There is a severe lack of options both visual and game altering. No quick movement and such for visual and basically no options other than map type or difficulty for starting a game. This is infuriating. On top of this the win conditions feel like they are given to a baby. It’s nearly impossible to lose the game given how little the AI tend to value military and going to a new age just instantly gives everyone basically equal progress. You can basically make one city sit in a corner the entire game and wait for the final age and just choose one of the victory conditions at that point and still guarentee a win. Especially with the culture victory condition. Units feel like other terrible or overpowered and since there is no incentive to really do science for better units it feels like choices are irrelevant. Sure your can tier up the units you have like 3 times in an area but the buff they receive is nearly negligible especially if they are a unique unit since the combat strength they usually gain is just absurd. For instance the Shawnee infantry unit can easily get +6-+8 combat strength for free which makes the entire age comically easy letting you two tap nearly everything in the age no matter the tier. There needs to be serious renovations before this game is at all playable. Either lengthening the tech and civic trees or just connecting them through the ages making them valid strategies rather than making them feel like optional interests. All in All the game feels either rushed or like a guided experience rather than a full frontal strategy game like ANY other Civ game. Even Civilization Revolution felt 1000x better than this and it had similar (not the same) building style and simple win cons. Finally a game can take easily 8-10 hours as each age presents itself as almost an entire separate game having easily 150 turns each putting the game length at nearly 500 turns for a standard game compared to an average length of 250-300 for previous titles and the turns do not seem to feel to go by much if any faster.
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