Alec R.
Alec R.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy."
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Created by - Alec R.
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Last Chance To Experience Battlefront

It's important to make a distinction first: campaigns in DICE games exist for one reason and one reason only - to prepare you for multiplayer. They don't exist for story, they don't exist for any sort of lore value, they serve purely as extended tutorials with dialogues. With that in mind, now a few words on the story itself: it's meh. Very, very meh. Brainwashed, die-hard enforcers of Imperial rule switch sides at the first opportunity, Palpatine orders everyone to do Rebel Alliance's homework and start destroying Empire instead of retreating to Unknown Regions, Rebels... Rebels just sit and do nothing. And it's hard to blame them - with such brain dead opponents all you have to do is keep refilling your bowl with popcorn. Campaign is worth a single playthrough, but I can guarantee that you will never wish to return to it.

Gameplay was made pretty arcade-ish to suit all audiences. Weapons overheat instead of needing to reload, there are no medpacks, ammo packs or Battlefield revive mechanic, Starfighters randomly spawn instead of taking off from hangars, etc. It seems everything was concentrated on making the gameplay as fast paced as possible, so spawning as a Clone Trooper and immediately dying while trying to punch a droid is pretty normal here (Just like Christophsis!). DICE's regular attention to detail is very pleasing to see: camera shakes when running, a sound plays when you score a hit on someone, animations are very smooth, armor slowly gets covered with mud on Kashyyyk and Felucia and much much more. The game in general just plays much better than it's 2005 predecessor. Before you scream at me, I have played original Battlefront... for more than 200 hours. All of Pandemic's Battlefronts feel like cardboard, just like old Battlefields of the era.

Progression is... odd. Thankfully, 2017 backlash did wipe the game clean of the pay-to-win system EA wanted to make (except for one remnant I will mention later). All progression is tied to classes and heroes. Want a DC-15LE? Play more as Heavy. Want a better DPS for Y-Wing's cannons? Play more as Bomber. Want a more powerful stuns for Boba Fett? Just play as him and etc. Upgrades for classes and heroes in this game take a form of cards, which can be bought, equipped and leveled up. However, there is still one odd remnant from the old days of this game - lootboxes. You get all weapons and their upgrades from lootboxes. It's weird because you're unlocking them just by playing - through actual, honest progression. You go to lootboxes only to claim your reward, essentially. Why did they leave this in the game? I have no clue. But it does mean that every time you get a new gun, you have to go back to menu, claim it, and then go back to matchmaking.

This was actually a very pleasant surprise for me. Co-op in this game is very decent, but there is not enough of it. As it stands, co-op just mimics the Galactic Assault mode (sort-of). You have to kill everything you see, and either defend, or attack designated Command Posts. Sadly, there is no Starfighter Assault co-op, Heroes vs. Villains co-op or mimics of any other game modes, which, in my mind, would be very welcome. To end this chapter on a good note, I will mention that progression between co-op and multiplayer is shared: you can level up anyone you want through co-op before fighting other players. Neat!

Heroes are bearable. Jedi and Sith, at least in my experience, really need highly enclosed spaces to work properly, because out in the open you just get Order 66'ed by every enemy trooper in sight. Boba Fett and Bossk seem to be an absolute overpowered meta. Han, Leia and Lando are just okay. And most importantly, the man himself - Obi-Wan Kenobi - is present in this game. And that's all you need to know.

Customization in this game is pretty generous, especially for Clones. 212th Battalion, 327th Star Corps, Coruscant Guard, 501st, Wolfpack, you name it. The only ones I feel bad for are the 41st: just what is that atrocious green paint scheme for Phase II 41st? We saw them on Coruscant in Episode III, and they looked nothing like that. As for other eras, you get a lot less: a couple paint schemes for droids, Shoretroopers and Snowtroopers for the Empire, a few races for Rebels and that's it. Overall, it's good enough. Not Halo: Reach by any means, but good enough.

I will not discuss Star Wars music here, as at this point a mere sight of it makes me want to vomit. Nothing wrong with John Williams, but God his music has been overused to death.

7/10. If you want to experience DICE's rendition of Battlefront - do it now, as the game is turning 7 this year, and it's on a timer. You can already feel the lack of people in some lobbies and game modes, and EA will eventually kill the servers. So, this is just about your last chance to give this meme a go.

Bonus (100%)
And a little bonus for achievement hunters. All achievements are very straightforward. Hidden achievements are related to campaign, and even if you didn't get them - you can go back and replay any of them very easily. In order to progress faster in multiplayer or co-op just play on weekends or Wednesdays in order to get double or triple EXP respectively. Multiplayer achievements that don't require specific game modes can be achieved in co-op. Starfighter Assault achievements are all luck-dependent, so I can only wish you patience.
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John Gear 18 May, 2024 @ 5:46pm 
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func_kenobi 18 May, 2024 @ 5:45pm 
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John Gear 18 May, 2024 @ 5:44pm 
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John Gear 21 Mar, 2024 @ 11:01am 
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Dark Ones 21 Mar, 2024 @ 10:57am 
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