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Posted: 25 Jan, 2015 @ 12:38am
Product received for free

Early Access Review
Keep in mind fellow gamers that this is not the final product, its another early access game that has more potential than most games we can find on Steam, as such I cant give it a thumbs down or up because in my opinion only the final product can be reviewed in such manner, but sinds a review can only be set with a thumb up or down I will give it a thumbs up, always good for a development ego :P.

This game is better than the actual presentation, or at least it comes out as it is presented, a good functional game, with this said, the best way to actually feel or know how the game works and feels, is playing it yourself.
I did not have any problems playing this game. Both factions are fairly balanced and even after the tutorial, mastering the game is a challenge. Beating the AI may be easy, in a match things get real! ^^
I dont know exactly about the weapons, but for what I have seen so far they ,or there are rentals?. Something I dont like in games are rentals... But that could change from person to person.

I just hope for some pve in this game and I surely hope even more that this game will have a good hackshield to prevent future cheaters from ruining the gaming experience for other people as seen in other titles.
I think with only the pvp aspect this game will not be interesting in the long run, having more game types would be better for this reason in my opinion.

I wish the development team good luck in making this game even better.

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