8th Alabama Irish Brigade 8thALin.
8th Alabama Irish Brigade 8thALin.
12 October, 2014
United States 
ABOUT 8th Alabama Irish Brigade

The Emerald Guard

The 8th Alabama, a Confederate Regiment formed in Mobile, Alabama during the Civil War, was composed of mostly Irish-born men. At the start of the war, the 8th Alabama, or the Emerald Guard, wore berdan green uniforms. Their flag was a First National with George Washington in the center. The opposite side of the flag was green, and in the center was an Irish harp surrounded by a wreath of shamrocks. Above and below this emblem, two Gaelic slogans were displayed. The slogans were, "ERIN GO BRAGH!" (Ireland Forever!) and "FAUGH A BALLAGH!" (Clear the Way!) Below is a sketch of the Eighth Alabama's flag based on a soldier's description.

The Emerald Guard was the first Alabama Unit to enlist "for the war". The 8th was organized by the appointment of its field officers by the war department. The Regiment was posted at Yorktown, Virginia during the first eleven months of its service, and a detachment of the 8th was engaged in a skirmish near Winn's Mill. Placed in General Pryor's brigade, the regiment fell back with the army until the enemy overtook it at Williamsburg. The Regiment won its first laurels on that contested field, losing approximately 100 men. At Seven Pines it was again under fire, and received heavy losses - 32 killed, 80 wounded, and 32 missing.

Now in the brigade of General Wilcox, -- with the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Fourteenth Alabama regiments, the Eighth took part in a desperate assault with General Longstreet's division on the enemy's position at Gaines' Mill, and emerged victoriously from the fierce battle with the loss of half of the 350 men it had engaged. Three days later, the regiment was in the line of assault at Frazier's Farm, where the Emerald Guard met Meagher's Irish brigade, and of 180 effective men, only 90 were at regimental muster the next morning. Its ranks soon began to fill up, and the Eighth marched with the Army towards the Potomac.

At the second battle of Manassas, the 8th Alabama lost 60 men, but was held in reserve. The regiment took part in the capture of Harper's Ferry, then crossed the river and fought fearlessly at Sharpsburg, where the 8th lost 67 men. The Emerald Guard's wintered at Rappahannock. At Salem Church, Wilcox's brigade of Alabamans, of which the 8th was a part, bore the brunt of the federal assault, and drove them back in confusion, capturing 1500 prisoners; the Eighth lost 58 men.

General Lee led the Eighth Alabama and the rest of the Army of Northern Virginia into Maryland, and the 8th's colors were flouted in the face of death at Gettysburg; where 260 of 420 engaged died. The Army of Northern Virginia crossed the Potomac again, and wintered in the vicinity of Orange C.H. The regiment was engaged at Wilderness and at Spottsylvania as well.

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Looking for New York Brigade members, NaS
Looking for New York Brigade members, NaS
Ghost749 22 Dec, 2016 @ 1:32pm 
Teamspeak Want to start a company for a NW regiment? Then come and join EoM . Also if you do NaS I need Officer's for Alabama and Ohio. Add me on steam AoA_GoA_Hardcase726 and add [15thYR]EmpressMoraine
Ghost749 24 Jun, 2016 @ 11:14pm 
New Army, Better Neighbors. Join us at hardcase726s2nddivhq.teamspeak3 .com

Mount and Blade:North and South
Mount and Blade:Napoleonic Wars
War Thunder
Heroes and General's
We need General's, Colonel's for NW and CSA or Union
This will not be a regimental TS only ONE Army ONE group
Example Company A Company B Battery C Battery D 1st Vidette Cavalry and General's Bodyguard.
Ghost749 23 Jun, 2016 @ 9:58pm 
Longstreet's 2nd Division and 2nd Union Army Division plus othe MP games
hardcase726s2nddivhq.teamspeak3 .com:9279 going for a more united community. We will only Be 2nd Division for all MP games than just NaS
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Army set up example:
Company A Colonel
Company B Colonel
Company C Colonel
Friend me 2nd_Division_Hardcase726 on steam if you want to join
Ghost749 2 Mar, 2016 @ 10:02am 
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12 October, 2014
United States